Reflexiones sobre España y Cataluña. 2ª Parte.


Las situaciones de tensiones y de enfrentamiento sociales.

Hay una profunda fractura social en Cataluña, donde los dos “grupos enfrentados” forman las dos mitades antagónicas de su sociedad. Por la fuerza, no se puede imponer ninguna de las dos partes ideológicas a la otra, porque las posiciones están ancladas y sujetas. Así, un enfrentamiento violento sólo llevaría, por la fricción y el desgaste generados, a que las bajas de ambos bandos sean casi similares. No es posible aquí conseguir el “caedes” romano, en el que el “vencido” era pasado al “filo de la espada”, mientras que el “vencedor” sólo sufría ligeras bajas.


Y no se trata tampoco de distinguir entre “buenos” y “malos”. Porque los intereses y las ideas que los sustentan, se dividen simplemente en “favorables” y “desfavorables” para las dos causas socio políticas.

Los intereses, las actitudes y las ideas divergentes, cuando no opuestas, alimentan y sostienen dichas posiciones. Y un primer gran error vergonzante de las autoridades es haber permitido que se generase y degenerase esta situación. En gran parte, cediendo funciones sociales esenciales del Estado o dineros presupuestarios cuantiosos, para obtener los votos de los separatistas, que eran autonomistas y moderados al principio, apoyando a los gobiernos de España, del PSOE y del PP.

Los enfrentamientos civiles en Cataluña, surgidos entre grupos de activistas de ambos signos político sociales, son variados y de diferente gravedad: colocación y retirada de los lacitos amarillos o de carteles anunciadores de eventos; ocupación por “grupos percutientes” de los CDR, ARRAN u otros partidistas, de los locales donde se iban a celebrar actos de otros grupos o conferencias de personas no afines; roces irritantes entre grupos de manifestantes de signo opuesto. En la situación de enfrentamiento irritado actual es sólo cuestión de tiempo y de la repetición de estos actos, que se instale la violencia en los mismos. Esta degeneración social es consecuencia de la ineficiencia del Poder Central y del abandono de sus funciones de gobernar. Dejando en manos de los jueces, la defensa a destiempo de una legalidad autonómica y penal conculcadas por los secesionistas arribistas.

Cuando, a mediados de 1996, Umberto Bossi, líder y senador entonces de la Liga Norte, un partido radical de derecha creado en torno al mantra “Roma nos roba”, anunció para el 15 de setiembre la secesión de la Padania, una aberración político social desplegada en el valle del río Po, de Italia, recibió el siguiente aviso del presidente Oscar Luiggi Scalfaro: “Sr. Bossi, si sigue por ese camino, se dará de frente con el Ejército Italiano”.

La Liga Norte frenó en seco sus pretenciones delirantes. Y su trayectoria vital discurrió hasta hace poco, emergiéndose o sumergiéndose por el panorama político italiano, y con meandros. No hizo falta tomar entonces medidas excepcionales, ni duras, contra la Liga Norte o sus mandos conductores.

Imagen relacionada

Porque, cuando a las instituciones y a sus protagonistas se les respeta, esto, “per se”, cuida y defiende la viña del Señor. Y, viceversa, cuando se te han subido a las barbas, ya puedes amenazar, amagar, driblar, fintar, cabrearte, dar un puñetazo en la mesa o lloriquear. Que no te servirá de nada. Porque, los atributos de tu autoridad y las causas y razones de la soberanía nacional, que dices defender, ya los has perdido. Y, los supuestos infractores ya las han despreciado, arrinconado y sustituido por otras. Que les resultan más cercanas y convenientes para ellos.

La necesaria reconstrucción nacional.

Tras la ilegalización de la secesión, dentro del marco jurídico existente en España, hay distintas tareas a realizar por todo el aparato del Estado.

Neutralizar a los activistas callejeros, anónimos o no, situados en el límite difuso de la violencia. Para que no acosen, perturben el orden social y vial y no obstaculicen las actividades políticas de otras formaciones. Es una labor de orden público inmediato.

Erradicar de la sociedad catalana los pensamientos y las creencias tendenciosas y tergiversadas antiespañolas o que fomenten y alienten la división social y el odio y la eliminación de los rivales políticos. Es una tarea multidisciplinar y compleja, con componentes educativos, psicológicos y sociales a realizar en el medio y largo plazos.

Cambiar las conductas políticas disolventes. Cesando y sustituyendo a las autoridades autonómicas que incumplan las leyes de un Estado de Derecho, reconocido internacionalmente. Es una tarea de regeneración institucional y legal de las instituciones autonómicas y locales a medio plazo. Y que exige la anuencia, la decisión y el apoyo de una mayoría de partidos y ciudadanos

Si esto no se hace, los separatistas recalcitrantes se agazaparán y acudirán de nuevo a otras elecciones autonómicas. Y podemos llegar a tener un Parlament y un Govern cualitativamente iguales a los disueltos por los jueces.

Lo que está en juego es la ruptura de una de las naciones más viejas de Europa. Y que surgió y se mantiene cuando sus componentes sociales territoriales comprueban y aceptan la apuesta de vivir en común todos, para superar las debilidades y limitaciones de dichos territorios aislados. Nación española de la que forman parte los catalanes desde su inicio y establecimiento. Y los secesionistas no ofrecen al pueblo catalán por esa ruptura, una contraprestración clara de derechos, libertades y progreso para él. Una prueba del aventurerismo pequeño burgués de las tesis separatistas es el alejamiento de sus ideas excluyentes de la práctica totalidad de las instituciones y naciones europeas.

Resultado de imagen de reflexiones sobre españa y cataluña

Los mandos secesionistas manejan los argumentos demagógicos, las medias verdades y las interpretaciones históricas sesgadas como nadie, para atraer y mantener a su electorado potencial. Porque, la verdad es relativa y es un medio más para ellos, en aras de la libertad del pueblo catalán. Y alimentan sus afanes separatistas con odios variopintos hacia la Nación donde se hicieron grandes los pueblos hispanos. Es el paradójico y vesánico rencor, por otra parte, muy recurrente, contra aquél que te ha ayudado mucho y con el que has compartido tu vida.

Su argumentario político se basa en la explotación de las pasiones humanas, que son insaciables, por definición epistemológica. La codicia de tener más que el otro, sin considerar la intercomunicación de los beneficios en las sociedades modernas democráticas. El egoismo del abandono de la solidaridad nacional, sin admitir que en todas las naciones hay zonas más atrasadas y deprimidas que otras. La mentira de la manipulación y tergiversación de la historia recorrida común; como instrumento de justificación de sus acciones imperiosas y disolventes. La envidia, como expresión de las propias carencias anímicas; representada y satisfecha de momento, en la utópica nación independiente catalana, llena de ventajas y bendecida por la diosa Fortuna. Derramando sobre ella su cuerno inagotable de placer, dinero y bondades personales y sociales. La vanidad de los mandos separatistas, que se satisface cuando piensan en la admiración que creen despertar en los demás.

Las virtudes sociales, enseñadas y aprendidas en gran parte por el ejemplo observado y recibido, son los únicos y verdaderos frenos contra las tentaciones que surgen de las pasiones desbocadas del alma de los hombres.

Reflections about Spain and Catalonia.


The nation is one and unique by essence. And it arises from the commitment of the citizens to live in community. And it is kept and preserves in the defense of this union, which is loved, against his enemies of inside and outside. A nation is provided with one social politics selfconsciousness. And collaborate to create and support it the history, the tradition and the customs, and the own language and moral sense. And contribute secondly to it the own ethnia and the territory, that not always exist, specially the first one. This way, the territory of a country is not a nation. Nor it is not the inarticulate population of a territory under an only one government.

Resultado de imagen de nacion fuerte «The Nation is stronger with the unity of his sons and the members of the families than by the military power».

Though the territory that occupies is necessary to give a nation the possibility of supporting a social administrative structure, that guarantees the exercise of his sovereignty. In spite of the «civilized» current times, all we know the problems and the discomforts that suffers the Kurdish people, deprived of a national own territory and «distributed» between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. One of the essential problems of the Kurds is that they form a part of despotic countries and, even, ethnically exclusive. This way, in these countries, they are considered to be citizens of secondclass, different, and, even, potentially dangerous, on having been always national minorities. But, endowed with a strong social cultural identity, which prevents his absorption by the rest of the national populations to whom they belong.

In a nation fit several not antagonists ethnias. Because his base is the life together conviviality, the respect and the rights and duties for all. And so long as they love this «harmonic set» of persons and his well-being, peace and jointly progress destinies.

When the nation is loved by his components and there exists in them the desire to serve and defend her in community, the concept of the motherland appears. Both ideas are interrelated essentially. And, the absence of the patriotism or the shame to practise it by members of a «social political community», leads to the defenselessness and the dismemberment of his nation, in major or minor degree. Being formed then «groups of associate individuals» with dissolvent ideas and interests of the naional group.

Resultado de imagen de fuerzas armadas símbolo patriotismo GUARANTOR OF THE UNITY AND SYMBOL OF THE PATRIOTISM.

It is not of surprising that the Defense Forces of a nation are, as institutions and in his members, which hoist, teach and practise the patriotism, as one of his essential virtues. Because it is possible only to die for what is loved. The Defense Forces of a nation are the specialized set of the «nationals or patriots» for the belligerent and complete Defense of his «national country«.

The common historical flow of live in unity, progress and peace.

In the XIVth and XVth century, the Castilian turns into the language of the State, entering in struggle with the educated Latin, to which it displaces. The «toledan dialect» will contribute the linguistic procedure to the Castilian. The Castilian prose spreads and puts the finished touches in the extensive literature of the High Middle Age. The advance of the Reconquest in the whole Andalusian territory, with his 4 small kingdoms of culture and Islamic religion, drived by the «unevenness in the centrifugal impulse» of the Christians, incorporated numerous words of Arabic root into the Castilian. Following a process of enrichment and idiomatic definition, progressive and extensive, similar to the already seen in previous stages. There appears Antonio Nebrija’s Grammar, which defines the new Spanish language.

During the 16th century, the Castilian, which happens to be the Spanish, turns into universal language. The Spanish is taking the role of literary language of the whole Spanish nation. Aragon, Valencia, Majorca, Catalonia and Navarre (incorporated in Castile in 1512), will keep an administrative autonomies tied to the Crown of Spain. The Spanish presence in Europe, for his character of great world power, and his expansion in the Americas, take to the incorporation in the Spanish of numerous European and indigenous words.In this final epoch, the Spanish acquires the essential of his current structure.

Reconstrucción del primer estandarte de España. /Hugo Vázquez Bravo y Ramón Vega Piniella. A reconstruction of the first known Spanish national flag carried by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, the Great Captain, in Naples.

In this multiethnic and polycultural Nation that emerges with an immense vital force, all the Hispanic peoples made themselves big. In the 16th century all the inhabitants wanted to belong and to follow the paths of the Spains. Nation that arose in the desire of the royal subjects to coexist in her. And that was kept with his commitment to defend her in his concept and integrity.

There were not easy for Catalonia and Spain the times of Philip IV and the Count Duke of Olivares, Gaspar of Guzman, the favorite minister of the king from 1621. This had proposed to reform and stimulate the idea of Spain in the whole Kingdom and to recreate the Empire of Philip II. Spain had an enormous and long task ahead. But the capacities and the means were not at the needed height.

Philip IV was an apathetic and pusillanumous person. The program hit with a conformist and slow bureaucracy, called to realize it, and with the national oligarchies, called to follow it. Spain had wars and armed conflicts in all the Western Europe: in Germany, France, the Netherlands or Flanders, Italy and in the east and west parts of Spain. The soldiers, not always with good controls, were not fighting well. The Thirty Years War was continuing and in France, the cardinal Richelieu was arising as intelligent, tough and shrewd enemy of Spain.

The revolts of 1640 in Catalonia and Portugal (in December, the uprising of his oligarchies led to his final separation of Spain) were disastrous for the plans of Olivares. The revolt and Catalan secession or «war of the peasants» extended until 1652. It developed with the reforms of the Count Duke, to distribute and confirm the efforts of the peninsular regions in favor of the common interest. Till then, Castile had paid in a disproportionate way the expenses of the external commitments of the Habsburgs. The immediate reason of the rejection to these plans was that the Catalan oligarchy saw them as a threat to his historical freedoms. That actually were an administrative privileges of the medioevo, centred on that they forbid the Catalan troops to serve out of the Principality.

Resultado de imagen de 1640 rebelión Cataluña The beginning of the «Peasants Revolt» on the Corpus Day.

The frictions between the population and the exiguous forces quartered in Barcelona took to the raising of June, 7 (day of the Corpus Christi), that was generalized and extended by the whole Catalonia. This derived in a revolution of the poor and peasants against the nobles and the rich ones or Catalan oligarchy. Soon, this one recovered part of the control and asked for help and protection to France. Richelieu did not lose the opportunity to debilitate Spain and supported the seditious.

But, the Frenchmen, with his protectorate, made themselves immediately more onerous and greedy for the Catalans that Spain. For example, flooding the region of French highly rival products. This way, the Catalan oligarchy, which without a few clear and pondered aims, proposed to damage the Spanish Empire, harmed, with his senseless action and without the minor consideration, the Catalan people and his Principality. The cooling of the shock with France and the end of the Thirty Years War, allowed to send a Hispanic army who occupied easily Barcelona, in 1651.

In the Succession War of Spain of 1714, Catalonia fighting close to Spain, supported the Habsburg candidate, who was the dynastic line of succession. If was reigning the Borbon, of the royal French dynasty, a new dynasty was accepted and imposed in the royal Spanish throne. This would join us to France for temporal «family agreements», which not always would be favorable or neutral for the Spanish nation. We have the case of Carlos III, with very useful prime ministers for the Kingdom and with a personal behavior that, for discreet, was good. Which, before, when he was king of Naples, was humiliated by the Royal Navy. And that immediately of ascending to the throne, established a family agreement with France, which took us in 1763 to an unnecessary and bad war with England.

Gained the civil war by Philip V, whose troops had access by our ground borders, Catalonia was occupied by his troops. But, again, Catalonia received the treatment that his importance was deserving in the Spanish nation. And, prompt, the Decrees of New Plant and other administrative dispositions were favoring it in the flow of life of the Hispanic peoples.

Resultado de imagen de 1714 Cataluña lucha contra Borbones Catalonia fights in 1714 for the dynastic continuity in Spain.

The Fathers of the Motherland are not his owners.

To believe themselves is a common perception of the despots and «modern national liberators«. It has his origin in the conduct of the satraps and absolute ancient monarches. And it is reinforced furthermore when, as in the Islam, the religion consolidates and sustains also the political power that they exercise.

The dynastic corruption of the Pujol family, implicitly accepted by his followers and extras, for being the visible promoter of the modern «Catalan sovereignty», is one of the parasitic ivies that took possesion of the Catalan public moneys.

The commissions of even more than the famous 3% indicated by Pascual Maragall in the Parlament, gathered methodically by Convergence and Union, the party of the Catalan bourgeoises, has managed to cover with mud the Palace of the Lyceum. Party that was dissolved in 2016, with his impeded headquarters, and it re-turned in the PdeCat.

And a provincial institution of State condition, as is the Deputation of Barcelona, destined to help in his management the small municipalities with minor structures, turned aside around 12 million Euros, assigned by the National budget, to the members of the PdeCat party. Of which, the last 2 millions were destined to the aims of the international cooperation and development (operation Estela of the Spanish National Police, on May 25).