There is taking place in the last months a real «planetary conjunction». It is about the «temporary coincidence» of a bloody and fierce pursuit of the Christians, whose «green outbreaks» are in the Arabic Islamic countries. That is coincidental with the solvent, quiet and cunning action of the European «trendies», against the virtues of the European societies. Both actions are surely a «cosmic part» of the so called » mysterium iniquitatis» or agree to the Darkness.
The Agony of the Christianity in the Frame of the Human rights habitually recognized.
The UNO is considered by many a bureaucratized and crystallized multinational organism. And it turns out to be already arthritic and almost ineffective in the steps and resolution of the most serious international problems, specially the conflicts. But his «Universal Declaration of Human Rights», approved on December 10, 1948 by his General Assembly, is still the paradigm and the principal reference of the civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights of all the men. The following are the articles most distinguished from that, relating to the topic that occupies us:
Article 2. Every person has all the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or of any other nature, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition…
Article 7. All the people are equal in the eyes of the law and have, without distinction, right to equal protection of the law. They all have right to equal protection against all discrimination that infringes this Declaration and against any provocation to such discrimination.
Article 12. Nobody will be an object of arbitrary interferences in his private life, his family, his domicile or his correspondence, neither assaults to his honor or to his reputation. Every person has right to the protection of the law against such interferences or assaults.
Article 18. Every person has right to the freedom of thought, of conscience and of religion. This right includes the freedom of changing religion or belief, as well as the freedom of demonstrating his religion or his belief, individual and collectivly, so much publicly as privately, for its education, the practice, the worship and the observance.
Article 19. Every individual has right to the freedom of opinion and of expression; this right includes of not being bothered because of his opinions, of investigating and receiving information and opinions, and of spreading them, without limitation of borders, by any way of expression.
Article 28. Every person has right to which there is established a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration become fullly effective.
The «Enemies» of the Christian Churches. Ideological, political and moral Reasons for their «Permanent Pursuit».
The most certain and zealous enemies, along the History, of the ideas and the religions have always been the political or politician religious closed and despotic systems, the Messianic totalitarianims and the absolutist and exclusive States. In all of them we can see the same identity characteristic: the inflexibility and the immanence of his «statutory ideology». And it happens independently of that agrees with another religion. Or that it does in a social, political, economic and Messianic doctrine. That offers an «empire of domain» for thousand years, which scarcely lasts a decade. Or the appearance of the «new social man», at the cost of the sacrifice violently imposed on 200 previous generations (this was the estimate of “the Great Steersman”), and that crumbles in little more than four decades.

Or, more vulgarly, that it is the expression of the personal power or of clan of a governing minority (not a real social elite) compelling monopolizer, wilted and exclusivist. And in the practice, these «dictatorial societies» have a «lack», that will end taking them to his social sterility and to his vital ruin. And it is his total lack of a «sociological empathy» towards the stranger, the opposite one, the nearby neighbor, «other one». From which his religion, his political system or his political intention guide, abruptly separates them. And that works and operates in opposition to the desires and realities of the persons who live in these closed societies.
The Christians would be «less” pursuit by some of his State or particular enemies, if his labor was coming down to giving «worship to his God» and to slightly or null proselytism. But, apart from the preaching of «Good New» or Gospel to the men, the mission of the Churches includes to treat the «ethical foundations of the temporary order». And to give and to orientate their faithful and the men, on «the morality in the actions and temporary situations», private and public. This way, when the bishops or priests and even the faithful are quiet before an objective and serious immorality for reasons of «opportunism, education or relativism seudopolitic», they are incurring what, in Apocalyptic words, would be «the fornication with the kings of the land». This ideological oppression, with which it is tried to restrict «politicly and softly» the Christian doctrine, is summarized very well in a joke of the 60s, referred to the catholic Church and using an encyclical of Juan XXIII: “Mater, yes, Magistra, no”.
The virtues as identity and defense of the human societies.
It is now a question of something that affects and attacks a human virtue. The virtues are the kindness and reference qualities, hihgly regarded and permanently valued by the societies and human groups.
The virtues are very resistant and lasting in the time. The values, on the other hand, are the kindness and human qualities, temporary and/or local estimated by some societies and human groups. And they are so, principally, due to his idiosyncrasy, the living conditions and the pressures received from the exterior. These cultural and social values are evolving with the contingencies, the displacements and the fortunes of the human societies.
Inside our extensive Western Culture, which reaches to all the continents of the West and, in minor measure, to Asia, the identity virtues are provided by the different Christian churches and by Cicero’s speeches and Plato’s Dialogs. One of these essential virtues is the respect and the worship to the divinity. As recognition and worship to the Necessary Being who creates us, supports us and, in some cases, helps us. This makes concrete, according to the education, the culture and the social environment.
The armed Pursuit to the Christians in the Arabic Countries.
There are given in the last months diverse cases of violent pursuit to the Christians, in countries where the Moslem religion predominates. They are the lands of “dar-al-Islam”, where the Umma or Moslem universal community politically dominates. But some not Muslims who live in dar-al-Islam have a «protection agreement» with her. To this the Jews and the Christians have theoretical right, as peoples mentioned in the Koran. And that hold some of the Books also considered prophetic by the Islam.
In Iraq, al-Qaeda attacked the Christians, as part of his strategy of crushing the Iraqi civil society. Generating the hatred between the different religious, ethnic and social classes. And facing them violently between themselves. The victims here were the Syriacs and Caldeums Iraqi Catholics. Whose number is today less than 1/3 of those who existed in the epoch of the defamed Sadam Hussein al-Tikriti. Neither the former prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki helped to smooth the things. In effect, he carried out a Islamization campaign in Baghdad. And his targets were the masculine scattering places, where alcohol is sold, the jeweler’s shops and the bagdadies Christians.
Since the Sharia was implanted in 1999, as consolidation of the Moslem power, in 12 northern States of the federal Nigeria, the dead men in the ethnical religious fights that struck, were more than 15 thousand persons. Only in March, 2010, the (Moslem) ranchers of the fulani etnia realized diverse assaults against the Christian farmers, who caused approximately 500 dead men. In eve of the Christmas of 2010, one new radical violent Islamic fundamentalist group, autocalled Jama atu Ahlu «SUNNA» Lidda Awati Wal «YIHAD» realized a simultaneous multiple assault in a Christian neighborhood of Jos’s city. They did explosion 9 or 10 devices in his streets and the market, looking for the persons’ major concentrations, causing near 90 dead and 190 injured Christians.
In Pakistan, the local groups of Tehkrit-e-Taliban Pakistan and related, attack the Christian churches and the faithfuls whom they can accuse of some verbal slip or of an improper conduct. Those are established at the west of the Indus, from Quetta, in the Pakistani Baluchistan, up to the north of the valley of the Swat. They connect with the independence Muslims of the Indian Kashmir, which assumed the terrorist assaults in Bombay. In Egypt, the Coptic Christians are usually squeezed by the republican oligarch regime. And now after the military revolution of Marschal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi against the Moslem Brothers, their social situation is lastly more deteriorated. This way, for example, it is denies to them the right to substitute or repair his worship places. This has provoked some Christian local revolts.
Everything with the consent of the omnipresent and theoretically illegal Moslem Brothers. This is one of the veteran organizations in the Arabic expansion of the politicallly active violent Islamism. Whose principal original ideologists ended hung by the Egyptian authorities of the epoch. In the Upper Egypt numerous Coptic churches can be visited. The Christians came to Egypt several centuries before the appearance of the Islam. Their churches are frecuently being surrounded with palisades or with protective fences. But a church is a place of popular reception and encounter.
And, finally, let’s speak about the sealed off and infected case of the Sudan. Where the northern Arabs want to impose the Islam by the force over the black tribes of the west (Darfur) and of the south. These are of Christian or animistic religions (natives primitive, in constant setback). This religious and ideological oppression is anchored in the secular mentality of slave-trading of the Arabs at the north of Khartoum. That already had from before the times of the Khedive or «viceroy» in Cairo of the Sublime Door. The succesor and nominal owner of the Arabic Caliphate. This was complicated and established in the last decades, with the fight for the rich oilfields and miners deposits of the south and the west of Sudan.
These natural resources, exploited in collaboration with the Chinese (certainly, the new Economic imperialists of the developing countries), would guarantee the viability of a of the free and independent South Sudan. That was initially stimulated and directed by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of the Sudan. Whose military wing (and more known by the public) is his Sudan People Liberation Army. The movement was born in 1983 as popular, religious and of classes reaction to Yafar al-Numeri’s attempt of imposing «manu militari» the Sharia and the Islamization (a “legal”, but illegitimate and reactionary religiousness), in the south of the country.
As in all the civil, concealed and irregular wars, the figures of the «volunteers» appear here, next to the government. As usual, having scanty military orthodox formation and an enormous zeal. On having been newcomers or upstarts, to demonstrate his loyalty and his usefulness to the governmental owner. The nomadic Arabs of Darfur and the frontier Chad form the Janjaweed militias, of light irregular cavalry. Khartoum franchises them in order that they terrify, disperse and decimate the settlers of Darfur. In the bordering lands with Kenya, the Muslims use a combination of Arabic militias (of the etnia misseriya) and renegade (or converted, as look) blacks. To terrify, scourge and displace the black settlers from their lands. In some cases, these «patriots» are supported by the regular aviation and the artillery of Khartoum.
Finally, let’s indicate that a Great Perpetrator of these violations, the president of the North Sudan Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, of 70 years, is processed as person in charge of these violations, for “genocide and war crimes” by the Penal International Court of The Hague. Nevertheless, this pajarraco defies the international arrest warrant against him. And since its emission he have went to Egypt, Qatar, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea (50 Moslem %), Chad, all countries of Islamic religion.
Finally, to remember that we have already published numerous articles about the wars that devastate the geopolitical zone of the Asia of the Southwest and the fraticide fights between sunnis (93 % of Muslims) and shiies (7 % of Muslims) in her, looking for the prevalence in the Islam. We suggest to our nice readers, who should wish know with more actuality and extension the rage means committed against the Christians and other minorities by the salafist islamists, to reread these articles.
The juridical religious Pursuit of the Christians in the Islamic Countries.
In major or minor intensity and inflexibility, according to the cases, the sharia establishes nowadays against the Christians:
Death sentence against the blasphemers (to offend, according to his criterion, Allah, the Islam, the Khoran, the Prophet) and to the converted from the Islam (for his apostasy).
Burning and demolition of the temples and closing of Christian schools, hospitals and orphanages.
Prohibition of entry to the country, expulsion and inclusive death sentence to the Christian missionaries.
Prison for carrying Christian symbols. Prohibition of meeting to pray or to celebrate the Holy Mass, even in the homes.
Compulsory conversion to the Islam.
Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwai, Malaysia, Indonesia, Syria, apart from Saudi Arabia and Iran, are the countries where the sharia is more or less established.
In these countries, the not Moslem communities in general pay taxes, for not being harassed by the Muslims and living in peace under his protection. These taxes are the “administrative link” between the «protected» unfaithful persons and dar al- Islam.
But, any «doctor» of the Islam can teach that a collective duty of the Umma or believers’ community is the spread of the faith. That is realized imposing and not catechizing her (or «preaching the catechism» or text of the doctrine). Carrying out with it the consolidation and the extension of dar-al-Islam, the lands submitted to the Koran, the sunna and the sharia or civil and penal laws based on them.
Consequently, in agreement with his doctrine, when expires an «agreement of protection», the Moslem authority only can accept that it is renewed, if the amount of the taxes is increased or if in the new contract is stipulated the transfer to the Islam of more lands or cities, additional to the before yielded by the dimmíes (the Jews and Christians, the peoples also mentioned in the Koran and that hold part of Allah’s revelation). Also they use the legal principle that if some member of the «protected» community damages a Muslim, all his collectivity loses the “protection right”.
How do Moslem Authorities react to these local Violations?
Well, they look to other side. As if the Christians did not have acquired rights, according to his religion. As if in Europe we were pursuiting and condemning death, to the jail and to the confiscation of goods, to the millions of Muslims who live and prosper here, taking refuge in the kindness of the State of the well-being. The majority of the Muslims takes distance from the aggressions for opportunism, to protect the Islam, worried by the increasing rejection that it suffers in West.
His spokesmen affirm that the Islam is peace and tolerance. But this is not totally true. Not with the attempts of the jihadists that we suffer in name of the Islam, not with the extensive pursuit, in many countries, which the Christians suffer. This contrasts with his attitude of directed, noisy and bad-tempered protest, always threatening, when, for example, a few Mohammed’s cartoons, publish in territories outside the Sharia, in another physical and cultural continent. That, according to their strict and inappealable criterion, are offensive for themselves, acting as judge and part. And it turns out that, out of his countries, the Sharia lacks legal or religious jurisdiction. It is not any more than wet paper. Another thing is that they “accept” this. And say so to the persons that understand very little about the Islam.
The radical contemporary Islamics (Moslem Brothers, al-Qaeda and his regional exemptions, the Taliban cis and trans over the Durand frontier line between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and his henchmen fellow soldiers of Hamas and Hezbollah, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, Boco Haram, the al-Shabad militias, etc.) see in the Western Civilization, the worst enemy of their ideas and plans.
Because our civilization is founded on the reason, the scientific and philosophical knowledge, the freedom, the rights and the Christan faiths. Because by these clear advantages, we can conquer his despotism and his radicality; the discrimination of the women for mundane very old reasons, in which the religion and the protection of them are the theoretical excuse; the rejection of the scientific assumptions of progress and culture, on having had retired as Islamic orthodox method of study, the ichtihad or analogical common sense reasoning, from the 11th century.
Finally, in the Christianity, the believer perceives his God as a Father and a nearby, just and rewarder Saviour, with the arms receiving in Mercy. However the Newests are not preached very much nowadays, to not alarm the «trendies». In the Islam, God is separated from the man by a natural insurmountable abyss and is just and rewarder with him. But it is more feared by his justice and separation, that considered as intimate and nutritious Father.
And, how reacts the many-colored European trendy ectoplasm?
This one is generally of central control «ideology» (because they want to direct us, up to the minimal social and personal details, as if we were immature), despotic (because his postulates are not debatable by others), imperious (because his method is the imposition, not the conviction) and, today, shamefully socialist. It is shamefully socialist, because his “dream of sofa, coffee and scholarship or prebend” was to recreate a “paradise of the proletariat». That would have more or less «oasis and houris», according to his cases, in his lands. Though none went to live in the USSR or another socialist countries, to be employed at them, already at the time.
And this dream turned into nightmare, of difficult, agonizing and hasty awakening, with the fall of the Socialist States through all the Eastern Europe. And the discovery by all the rest, that to the «new social man» of these countries, the «cause of the proletariat» nothing, nothing motivated him. The technological armament career that imposed the USA in the decade of the 80, absorbed the best resources of the USSR. And it shrivelled up her to the entrails. Following a national strategy of wear, without direct threats, or melodramatic maneuvers. Some “not principal” members of the «nomenklatura» later admitted that «we did not have anything to eat» then. And the Red Empire, empty of contents, messages and illusions, social and economically implosioned. And the Soviet Army formerly feared by the Western Europe (the classic NATO), remained turned for many years into a «paper tiger».
So, the proper thing of the «trendies» (or peoples of ideas with few theoretical or ethical conditions) it is also here to kept silent before the violations to the Christians, away the sure borders of the great Europe, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals. It also takes place here a social paradoxical, but not unusual phenomenon: the islamist feverish militants and the decadent «trendies», though placed in two social antagonistic and irreconcilable ends, have the same operational intention:
The destruction of the European society, as it is still built-up, on the foundations of the Classic and Christian virtues. And his substitution by an amorphous society, without coherent, protective and stimulant virtues, satisfied, mangery and worker. Where the immediate material desires, which before we were calling «caprices», for its inconstancy and superfluousness, are looked for as small indispensable goals. Because they are the consoling of the lives lacking vital transcendency and substance.