The salafist Ideology.

Salafism, from «salaf«, predecessor or ancestor, is the other ideological school of the Islam. As salaf, the Muslims call Mohammed and his disciples: the first four caliphs and the next two generations. The expansion of the Islam in the 7th century assumes to the purity of his faith. Since this brought them the Allah’s favor and support.

Since then, whenever the Moslem societies are sufering an economic, political or social crisis, prominent figures will arise that will praise a return to the Islam of the Salaf. Ibn Hanbal, in the 9th century, gives a literal interpretation of the Islam, based in recovering the ancestors and in the condemnation to the ideological innovations. Ibn Taymiyya resorted equally to her in the 14th century, when the Middle East was suffering the Mongolians invasions. These would be the initiators of this current or school.

The Imam, Ahmad Bin Hanbal - Alchemiya

The salafist currents are renaissance movements of the Islam, through the return to the original faith, that of the «pious predecessors«. They reject everything that identify as «human interpretations after the revelation of the Prophet«. They are radical reformists movements, which condemn the practices of the «popular Islam« (accused of being superstitions) and great part of the ideological Moslem thought, considered as carrier of «innovations». That is to say, «creations of the human reason«, that move away from the divine message. The salafists reject in turn the influence of the Western civilization, particularly the democracy, the relativism and the laity, that «corrupt the Moslem faith«.

Was Ibn Taymiyyah the spiritual father of jihadists? - Teller Report

The salafists become emancipated of the tradition founded by the 3 sunnis canonical schools. And they invent another Islam, which they affirm is founded on the Coran and the Sunna. Also they seek to imitate Mohammed in all the acts of the daily life, included the way of eating or dressing.

The wahhabism or the salafism at the political Power.

The modern salafists begin with the preaching of the Arabic ulema Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792). Who thought that the decline of the Moslem countries opposite to the West, ensues from the oblivion of the original message of the Islam. Ibn Abdul Wahhab preaches the literal and puritanical reading of the Islam, following the Hanbalist and Ibn Taymiyya traditions. Searching for «the correct way of acting in the teachings of the pious predecessors». His sermons were not well received and was expelled from his natal locality, in the Nejd region. He went to Diriyah’s city and there formed an alliance with the sheikh Mohamed ibn Saud, founder of Saud’s House. Ibn Saud promulgated the idea of the «wahhabí» Islam as the official way of practising the Islam in the country. For his part, al-Wahhab gave the religious legitimacy to Ibn Saud in his conquest of Arabia.

muhammad-bin-abdul-wahab – Vridar
Ulema Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab

Finally, in 1902, the emir Abdul Aziz ibn Saud reconquered Riyadh. In 1924 occupied Mecca and Medina and in 1932, all the Saudi Arabia. This was giving them the control on the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the Muslim Sacred Places and the opportunity to preach the wahhabism to the pilgrims from all the countries. But, the wahhabism was a minor current of the Islam until 1938, when the oil reserves were discovered in the zone. The immense incomes from this new wealth gave a great impetus to his ideological expansion for the world.

The imans near to the Saudi regime, reject the jihadist way, that tries to impose a Moslem regime by means of the violent and revolutionary action. On having considered it to be condemned to the failure. One of his great figures, from the 60s up to his death in 1999, the sheikh Mohamed Nasiruddin al-Alabani, was declaring that «nowadays, it forms part of the good politic, to leave the politic». For al-Albani it was necessary to follow a strategy of purification of the education: on one hand, to regenerate the faith, purifying it of ideological «innovations», that remove it from his origins; and to educate the Muslims in this regenerated faith, in order that they leave his religious «corrupt» practices.

Pin on Y Chromosome
Sheikh Mohamed Nasiruddin al-Alabani

The «Jihadist salafism» or Qutbism.

This current of the school makes the Jihad one of his activity centers. The jihadism seek to accelerate the liberation of the Moslem countries of any foreign occupation. It is based on Sayyid Qutb’s ideas, a theoretic and revolutionary born within the Moslem Brothers. He was sure that the Western Society was sick with individualism and ungodliness. And the Moslem countries would suffer the same thing, if they were influenced by West. And affirmed that the actual Moslem regimes were apostates, on having applied lay laws, instead of the Sharia.

sayyid-qutb | tarnmoor
Sayyid Qutb

Qutb‘s thought was one of the principal influences in the sects Muslims’ Society or Excommunnication (takfir) and Hegira (migration), arisen in 1969 in the bosom of the Moslem Brothers in Egypt, and in al-Qaeda, and his leaders, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama Ben Laden. Sayyid Qutb, was detained, judged and executed at August 29, 1966, for planning the murder of the president Nasser. After his death, the Muslims Brothers evolved towards organization and fight forms inside the existing political system.

The actual salafist jihadism is born in the 80s, during the Afghanistan’s war against the Soviet occupation. The salafists jihadists arrived from Saudi Arabia met the Moslem Brothers. It drove them to adopt the political speech of the Moslem Brothers and to restoring in it the salafistst preaching of Sayyid Qutb.


The practice praised by the salafistas introduced a strong ingredient of instability and of violence, still physical, between the Muslims and, therefore, between their ideological schools. That was depending and was a function of the antagonistic contradictions (insoluble in a pacific synthesis) that in every historical stage were generating and appearing in the Umma or in located parts of her and in the borders with the hostile peoples. The practical result was that the armed way became consubstantial and intermittently, in the mean of defense and spread of the Faith for many Muslims.

And though only a minimal percentage supports her nowadays and still they are less those who apply it, this conduct, as the red of the blood, turns out to be showy before all the men. That by extension and ignorance, attribute it to the totality of the Moslem community or Umma.

In addition, the sword is an enemy of the pen and of the abstract or scientific ideas. Or, at least, it fades and suffocates them. Though Mohammed already warned it in a hadis: «The ink of the pens is sometimes more useful for the Umma that the blood of the martyrs». At about the 5th century of the Hegira, our 11th century, the ideologists, in a political decision, closed the door to the ichtihad. And the methodological Islamic approach altered. From then, it was imitated, it was repeating itself, it was abused with the compendiums. There got lost the curiosity, the scientific personal effort, the flexibility, the intercommunication of studies and results. And, finally, since it could not be less, this ideological crystallization, moved also to the Moslem arts and sciences, that started a long declining.

This way, this second Transformation of the Islam remained largely frustrated and faded. By the new outcrop of the «minor Yihad», which constituted the first Transformation of the Islam. And that turned out to be completed and profitable with the incredible extension of the Islam in the known world in something more that one century. This reappearance of the first Transformation of the Islam, which was the use of the force for the extension and the implantation of a monotheistic religion, would turn into a complex, multiple, repetitive and violent action throughout the following centuries. Creating effusions of blood and spreading stertors of childbirth for different and numerous countries. On having searched with a new birth of the first Transformation of the Islam, the solution of the inevitable crises (for being vicissitudes of the personal and colectives lives) of the Muslims with the unfaithfuls or their chiies separated brothers…

Creating a permanent civil war, with a rosary of truces, within Islam, within the Umma, between Shiites and Sunnis.




General Introduction.

After a belligerent and expansive beginning, the Islam had established inside long and distant borders. That included extensive territories, placed in three known continents, in his parts more out-standing active and fundamental.

It was already time to realize a reflection and an internal doctrinal debate. That was interpreting and adapting towards the future, the whole Islamic revelation. That then was contained in the Koran, the hadises of the Prophet (his verifiable facts and sayings) and the behavior of the salaf or predecessors of the Islam, the primitive and pious Muslims. It is the work of ideological organization of the Islam and the believers’ community. And it shapes a second Transformation in the Islam.

There arise soon the Islamic schools, the cores of ideological work and his social projection. That vertebran around groups of believers and experts, who were living in the principal environments of dar al-Islam. These schools commenced and elaborated in a beginning the criteria and ideas that his neighbouring thinkers were mantaining. In an epoch of difficult communications. They were representing and assembling the expressions and the experiences of the Muslims of diverse origins and races. To that were added the contributions of Moslem eminent travelers, who traveled the ideological centers of the Islam from al-Andalus up to Baghdad.

All this was rethought, consulted, debated and decided by the members of the school, his collaborators and some out-standing thinkers of the country or the region. This way, they were creating different teaching corps by his different origins, to illuminate and direct the ideology and the actions of the Umma. And to project, with major or minor intention and result, towards the future, always changeablly and unknown, an ideological instrument that guarantees and allows an adaptative and rigorous evolution of the Islam.

Hazrat Imam Shafi'i - Al Hakam

In this mental and spiritual emergence, happened only one century after the death of Mohammed, concentrating all their human energies, the Muslims also devoted themselves to translate to the Arab all the knowledge of the epoch (VIIth and VIIIth century). This way, they founded libraries and submitted to the study of the universal knowledge and to apprehend it (from “aprehendere”, to grasp). Raising this way his humanities and sciences to a position of total preponderance, which they would preserve for 350 years, up to the 12th century.

A fundamental reason of this cultural bloom of the Islam was his multinational, global character. Already we saw that, once established the incorporations of countries and regions to dar al-Islam, existed initially a broad tolerance over the lives of the new subjects. This way, the cultural Islamic community took up, incorporated and synthesized in his specific task, the contributions of all kinds of cultures and races. And this also derived in the respect and the material support that the Muslims offered to this humanist culture that they created.

Expansió i evolució històrica de l'Islam-

In addition, from the emergence of the 3 principal ideological sunnis schools, gathered strength the principle of the personal reflection effort, the ichtihad, in the Islam. The ichtihad allowed the development of the Arabic civilization, so much as for the civil aspects (sciences, trade, literature, art), as for the enrichment of his ideology (it is the base for lawyers like al-Chafii). The ichtihad was a source of brilliancy, creativity, enrichment, progress and peace in the way of the personal and collective effort towards Allah (this is the authentic core and the reason of the Islam). When already the Umma had spread and enormously multiplied all over the known world.

Certainly, this really religious, mystical effort, is called the Major Yihad (in Allah’s way). Unlike to the purely military one, which is only a minor Yihad, to follow this way… All this exuberant ideological development constituted the second Transformation of the Islam.

Origin, need and transmission of the Islamic Tradition.

The histories orally transmitted of «the customs and sayings» (the Sunna) of Mohammed, transformed soon in writings. That were, in turn, objects of great summaries. Each story or written comment is called the hadith or hadis. The term also is used to refer to the generality of them. The length of the hadises is very variable, according to the topic of the writing. More interesting and definer for us is his intelligent internal structure. This characterizes them and gives faith of their verisimilitude. In each hadis is usually first exposed the «transmission chain» up to its writing or the checking of her, from his oral origin, with the figure of the «transmitter«. Nowadays, we would call this the historical traceability. They are of first importance as «transmitters» of the hadises, Aixa or A’, isa, the second and preferred wife the Prophet, and Ali, his cousin and son-in-law. Then, there comes the content of the story or the comment, called the «matn«.

Aixa - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


The Koran in the chapter 4, verse 59, guarantees and grants a special power of decision and of explanation to the Prophet or Envoy of God and to the sovereigns, successors or Moslem caliphs, who are those who hold the authority in the Umma. This would explain and justify the need of a qualified interpretation, foreseen by Allah, for the practical application of the Koran along the geography and the history of the peoples. With Mohammed acting as interpreter, as exceptional and privileged «intermediary» of Allah.

Ali Ibn Abi Tálib - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


There exist hundreds of thousands of hadises that have come up to us. And between them numerous contradictions appear. In addition, the total text is excessive for have commented or saying and lived or realized by Mohammed. Even using for it all his life. From almost the beginning, the own exegetas and apologists of the Islam saw this. The hadises were in the risk of turning into a chain of myths, tribal embellished stories and realities more or less preserved from a vaporous and insecure Tradition of the Prophet. And soon was established a critique system of the «isinad» or transmission. To guarantee in strict sense the quality of the content or «matn» of the hadises, as written Tradition.

The sunni ideological schools.

Abu Hanafi, an Iranian died in Kufa, city at the south of Baghdad, in 767, established the hanafi school. This school is outlined in the rigor in the selection of Mohammed’s hadises. And she accepts the employment of the istihsan or personal approval, as criterion for the social conduct. It is extended in Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangla Desh and the turkishmens territories of Central Asia (ex-soviet republics). The hanafism was the official Moslem doctrine of the Ottoman Empire.

Abu Hanifa | The Asian Age Online, Bangladesh                                               IMAM ABU HANAFI

The maliki school was founded by Malik ben Anas, who died in Medina in 795. The doctrine turned into the rite of the Muslims of the West and North of Africa. She regarded that was following the Moslem practice of Medina. And that was the most authentic, for being that the so called city of the Prophet and of the first four caliphs, the Rashidun. In his version, Malik applied the criterion of the usefulness, when sure texts did not exist, to defend the reason, the religion, the persons, the families and the goods.

Malik ibn Anas - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

                                           IMAM MALIK BEN ANAS

The most opened and flexible school, the chafii, founded by the Palestinian al-Chafii, died in Cairo on 820 at the age of 53 years, opened an encouraging door for the pacific evolution of the Islam. This current accepts the «consensus of the sages of the Umma» and the analogical reasoning or qiijas, as correct inspired routes for the adjustment of the Islam to all the times and places. Departing from his original «rural, illiterate, poor and medieval origin and surrounded of hostiles and barbarism«.

Al shafi`i poster with others

It worth indicating that, having jointly and in the essence of his thoughts the Koran and the tradition of the Prophet, the three ideological schools had a strong common ideology. This way, it was always admissible, especially in the origins, that the Muslims were changing its school of thought.




Being an eminently practical phenomenon, the praxis of propaganda is defined by «norms or principles of action«.

Propaganda must be «simple, easy.» Both in its structure and in its concept and transfer to its «objective.» Therefore, the basic concepts of our doctrine and interests must be sought and exploited with it. And state and present them in a clear, easy and appropiate manner. Both in the words (texts and slogans) and in the images we use for their diffusion and impregnation in the social group. And taking into account the means employed and the immediacy and depth that our ideas have to acquire in the group to which are directed.

Resultado de imagen de propaganda social CHINESE PROPAGANDA AGAINST TAIWAN.

Propaganda must be empathetic. That is, it must create and maintain adherence, loyalty and likings towards our ideas and interests in the social selected group. This way , several are the specific instruments to achieve this fundamental empathy of the group with us.

It can be praised the exterior or interior dangers that threaten us. And to highlight our role of «victim«, with the losses and the sufferings that it carries. This way, the Manicheism, which raises an incisive good-bad dilemma, which is gray and vague in the reality, can be used in our favor.

Resultado de imagen de dios lo quiere

It is important that the unanimity exists in our social group towards our reason and identity. And it must be so, at least, in the practical sense. Discordant active little “groups” cannot exist , in this social group.

All this must be repeated and canalized to keep the «propitious spirit» in the group, according to his idiosyncrasy. And to harmonize and orchestrate the actions and aspirations and the facts, to give them the maximum efficiency and extension in the «animated set» with a purpose.

It is necessary that the habitual religion in the group supports us or, at least, is benevolent with us. This reinforces extraordinarily our reason. Since the religion forms a part of the sense of personal and collective identity of the social group.

«God is with us«, was appearing in the clasps of the German soldiers during the World War I.

«In God we trust«, it says the American currency.

«We are the people of God«, say the Jews, the Hussite and the Umma or universal community of the Muslims.

«The Crusade in Europe«, so the Allies titled his campaigns against Germany and Italy. And it is the title of the memories book of his military chief in Europe, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

«God wants it«, were saying the Europeans crusades in his campaigns of recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Land for the Christianity.

The Means used by the Propaganda.

— The word, in any form of used expression, is the creator and the vehicle of the concepts and the ideas. We think with the words, to elaborate our ideas and definitions. This explains also the need and the result of possessing an extensive and rich vocabulary for the cerebral and cognitive development. And, for his maintenance and conservation.

This way, the written documents of all classes favor the galvanization of the group and the integration in a common, monolithic and real identity.

Resultado de imagen de simbolos soviéticos THE SHIELD OF THE USSR.

The applied, general and sufficient education allows to create and transmit successively to the generations, an intellectual and moral commitment with the identity and interests and motivations of the group.

— The images, in the shape of cartels and assemblies, allow to expose to the uncultured ones the thoughts and common symbols.

— The symbols are essential in the exhibition of our personal and collective identity. In them are condensed and reflected many of our internal drives, of our lacks and of our aspirations, of our sense of group. The set of the symbols is called incompletely a «paraphernalia». The more a social group develops, the appearance and the importance of his symbols will go increasing for him.

The symbols of a group, which exhibit the reason, essence and belonging in it of the individual and of the group, are very varied:

Flags and banners; national and of a party and of group shields; badges, ranks and medals of belonging, category and of merits within the group; anthems and minor songs; prominent figures of diverse levels, in which the different sectors of a group or the community feel led and represented; statues of his great men, heroes and outstanding figures and sculptural compositions, which reflect essential or important moments of the social group.

Active participation in mass meetings increases the group’s sense of belonging and its unity.

Music is another highly used mean. Choral singing and instruments such as drum and trumpet are especially useful.

Architecture and sculpture also characterize a complex social idea and a civilization. They are a permanent expression of their essential or temporal beliefs. Over time, both adapt to them.

Cinema and radio are means of transferring thoughts, culture and belonging to the group. And, more modern, television is. That, at first, it did not have the effectiveness and the generality of employment of those.

Resultado de imagen de propaganda social

Internet is considered, as a means of propaganda, but for many, is a strange, unpredictable and negative mean. This is probably the case, because of its global, anonymous, free and controversial nature. On one hand, it is a channel of unverified information, almost by essence and definition. It is also, many times, a spokesperson for outbursts, even ruinous and vile, propagated by elusive elements and almost without responsibilities for it.

And the algorithms used in modern times make it possible to calculate and make various predictions, which are not verifiable. And already from the beginning of the phenomenon studied.

Nota bene. — This work is a complement to our study on the «Psychological War». We also recommend its reading in this «blog» to all those interested in the topic.



The Hate is always an untidy passion. What might arise initially in the soul as competition and emulation, ultimately displays as distaste, repugnance or rivalry. It is a primary reptilian feeling of survival, compound or mixed with the dread and the rage towards other one, which is perceived as foreign, different and menacing. So, the hate expresses always as negative and destruction, still potential.

The hate breaks personal and social bridges and makes clashing spaces. The hate poisons the relations of different types and takes them to personal and social, antagonistic and irreconcilable situations. And this destructive and self-destructive drive forms a «sinister and mortal curl» in the emotional vital pace of the men. Once created the habit and the accepted and repeated guideline of conduct (by our automatic brain, though we do not notice). We have formed a riverbed for the flow of the hate and his extension. That so turns out to be easier to repeat and to keep live.

The mental Gordian knot of the hate, only can be cut by the collective overcoming. And this is carried out personally, exercising a broad mindness generosity and the personal effort of overcoming and oblivion the circumstances that shaped «that situation«. Looking for the only possible and human solution to the clash as such, to the fear perceived and more or less deformed, to the rage that stultifies and exceeds the spirit.


The War arises in the armed collective clash. In the violent dialectics of two social rivals groups. That employ the weapons for the attainment of certain aims, which are exclusive for both.

The regional and frontier tribes have been developing a social way, therefore, personified and assumed in his wide culture, of canalizing the hates and differences towards the minor possible hurt. Three are the claiming mechanisms that arise to mediate, smooth or alleviate the affronts and disputes. The first is the «blood price«. It consists in the fact that a related group or a family selection, assumes and faces the «offense» realized by a member of this group. The offense is paid, for example, by the delivery of camels or cereals measures. Then there is the revenge, when a crime is committed or a member of a clan is insulted seriously. This generates a spiral, developed in successive cycles, of violence and misbehaviors. Actions that the honor of the group forces to do. Sometimes, a «mediators council«, accepted by the parts, can arbitrate with success to cut the chain.

Imagen relacionada

Finally, there is the more or less limited war. This establishes a military collective action between faced clans or tribes and has an intermittent and extensive character. The lack of resources is a source of serious clashes between consolidated groups. And his rooting can manage to be like the vendettas. The origins or causes are the nomadism, the pastures, the droughts, the hunger, the drinking troughs, the demographic exclusive pressure and the lack of capital or the underdevelopment. But, also they can be the distribution of political and social roles in countries in precarious social and economic situation. Or of the economic performances that generate the exploitation and sale of his principal producing sources, which generally are monocultures or monoproductions of the mining industry. But, in his tribal origin, the armed conflict is always a limited war in the useless hurt: The children, the women, the animals, the fruit-bearing trees, even the crops that cannot remove, are respected. The premise is more or less not to urge or justify in the opposite one a thirst of and insane total revenge.

The tribes formed the constant flow of native emigrants, who populated and made grow from 1970, all the underdeveloped populations. Sometimes they were joined, from the 80s, by a foreign, more or less specialized emigration. That was devoting itself to the services, the development of the civil infrastructures and the extraction industries. One of the things that the modern civilization brought, which is nothing more that to live and to develop in the cities, it is the disappearance of the «procedure of containment and respect» of the fighting in and between the tribes. His interests were already those of the great city, his values (different from what the autochthonous virtues mean) were those of a disorganized society in ways of acceptance and integration.

It has been said that this «emigration from the lands«, broke the internal cohesion, the influence and the power of the tribes in many countries. It is not totally true. It has not happened in Iraq, which was much more modern and developed. And of it gives faith the devilish and complex guerrilla war generated after the Allied occupation at first of 2003 and against the successive sectarian governments of the shia majority. Not in the Lebanon, where the shiítas of the south of the country form the base of Hezbola‘s ethnic and logistic support.

The tribes were working or can work socially and politically as a «nation in embryo» in situations of isolation, structural poverty, central precarious authority. But they will tend to weaken when the benefits of the ethnic and tribal, regional and local structures were or are overcome by the provided by the dominating sheik or emir or the despot or democratic central state. And these had or have the popular constraint means, the respect and the ancendancy, to keep the tribes sufficiently close and united. And follwoing with a general common politics, favorable to the majority of the citizens, and not forgetting the rights of the minorities.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa IN THE TRIBAL ZONE OF PAKISTAN, AT THE BORDER WITH AFGHANISTAN.

Where the preference clans does not take place. That is the cancer that has corroded the tribal state unions, for example, in Somalia. Where, in addition, it has been absent the enough exemplary and supported figure, so to manage to impose a national common politics and the social peace. For example, in Iraq, where the government of Saddam Hussein and his aptitudes to keep joined the three etnias of the country. With all his disadvantages of corruption, arbitrariness and clientèle, were making the country to work very reasonably. And it was so much as military, winning the war to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as economically.

Other one of the vices that the «civilized» members of the tribes have acquired is the excessive greed. And with her, her corollary and the easy way to satisfy her, the rampant corruption. The social equality in the tribes, his «ideological rough republicanism», was guaranteeing the use and reasonable enjoyment of the resources by all the members.

Resultado de imagen de guerra tribal africa

The American and European troops are prepared to fight against a military regular enemy provided with a masses army. Or even more modern, of the IIIrd generation, with more elaborated technological means and better trained men to support the lonelinesses and tensions of the awaited current battlefields. Definitively, his «environment», his space of action, is the direct and opened clash in presence of a great profusion of probable enemy targets. His instrument is the attrition, the destruction of the aims that the enemy presents and could be detected and acquired in all the depth of his march or attack deployment. The last two enemy steps, nowadays increasingly remote or deep, are reached by the aviation of tactical support of long range or with the ballistic or autonomous rocketry of middle range.

Which is here the role of the man? To detect and confirm the enemy targets, to try to fix them if it is a question of a patrol or small combat unit and to call his «ordnance» in order that it devastates them. Only his elite units, always scanty and, therefore, exceptional and precious, are formed to only employ his organic means in the infantry close fight.

In Iraq and in Syria the islamist bases are always in the cities and populations most favorable to the activity of his different bands. And they are surrounded or perviosed by military national and foreign forces. Already at the beginnig of the war, the North American intelligence intercepted a memorandum of 17 pages written by Abu Musad al-Zarqawi, former chief of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and directed to Osama ben Laden. In it he was expressing to him his worry for his survival: «In Iraq there are not mountains where we could shelter, nor forests in whose thickness we could hide. There are spies eyes everywhere. Our backs are exposed and our movements are realized in view of all». And this geographical military space is similar in Syria.


The Evil is conceptually the lack and the denial of the good, which is the only virtue or effort (as stable and permanent value) that is positive. And the primary negative force that generates the hate in a wide sense, not necessarily violent, is the one that gives force, life and permanency to the evil of the man.

Sometimes in the History and in the history of the human groups, raises a special and adherent evil, with own reality, that it is difficult to fight and avoid. There existed always the great ethnic, political, social and religious persecutions: the Jews were so by the Nazi Germany; the Christians, yazidis and other minor groups, in the Southwest of Asia; the educated, leader classes and with urban works suffered it in the Red Khmers’ Cambodia, which overcame in the scanty time suffered and in the affected percent of the population, the Bolshevik persecutions against the not proletarian or enemy classes. But, the force, the continuity and the determination that displayed in them, which were generated and channelled by the rage, the habit of unhealthy conduct and the guideline accepted by so many people, overcame the possibilities and the insane imagination of the human mortal collectivities.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo

The Evil as concept, as immaterial entity, needs from instrument, a vector, a vehicle, to display in our physical world. And this material vehicle is provided by the untid and uncontrolled passions of the men, already dominated and dragged by the hate and his corollaries passions. In which and by means of them, the Evil displays enslaver, overflowing and superhuman.

The imposition of the communism in Russia from 1917, caused million dead men, destroyed countless families and persons and eliminated the perspectives and vital paths of many millions more, throughout almost 25 years of widespread and inhuman terror. The enemies of class were liquidated, a wide and confused name where were fitting all the nuisances for the governing class; the Red Army was purged in 1937; many peasants were slowly killed of hunger from 1930, with the implantation of the five-year industrialization plans, which were removing the agricultural resources for it and giving priority to the heavy industry, which would turn the USSR into a great modern Power.

Resultado de imagen de victimas del comunismo en el mundo  HISTORIC STUDY OF RESULTS Y VICTIMS.

And all this became systematic and coldly. As it corresponds to visionaries, illuminated by a considered scientific social doctrine and, therefore, infallibly. That they were detecting the absolute and all-embracing power and were themselves abrogated the right and the sovereignty for it. The three powers of the State were centering in them to be exercised, in a satrapy, a tyranny endowed with the modern means at his disposition. Supposedly they were doing it in name of the people and for the people, but they never did it with the real people. Mao calculated that around 90 generations would be need, suffering the «proletariat dictatorship» in the «socialist countries«, in order that could arise, were appearing the green outbreaks of, the «new communist man«.

Imagen relacionada GULAGS IN THE USSR.

All these putrid, inhuman, insane ideas come from the sewage, pits and black wells of the human intelligence and soul. And they are the valid, sure and permanent instrument for the periodic manifestation of the Evil within the humanity. This Evil, unattainable for the reason and the human capacities, is the temporal manifestation of the Misterium Iniquitatis.

The Evil acts stimulating in a fulfilled, relarge, excessive way our untied passions. On having examined the affected facts, only we can wonder: how was it possible that this happened?, how did it come near to so much?. Except in personal exceptional cases, the Evil acts in the human collective and insane actions. So that, his presence remains diffuse, vague, veiled. There will never be «security» of his action. Because the supra rationals phenomena neither are implied not even are overlapped openly with the material human phenomena. This way, they can conjecture or suppose his presence and his operation, but without confirming them «in stricto sensu».




The dispersion and inefficiency that the authorities show in the complex labor of uniting the popular wills and in implementing clear policies of reinforcement of the national unity and of control of the hackneyed and unsuccessful ideas of dissolution and substitution of that one, have different original reasons.

A nation does not congregate and galvanize, re-joins and advances with procedure, laws and regulations. Called to juridically confine the public thing. A nation is not governed in times of dangers and incipient decadences only by the economic and accounting ideas and policies. That only serve to create and preserve the material wealth. But that at least nowadays can not avoid the hardness and the cruelty of the phases of crisis and decadence of the economic successive cycles. That literally can crush the collaboration between the social strata and deepen their differences. And these policies are bored, affected and pissquiets. Because the action of the money, which is his essence, has these natural qualities.

Resultado de imagen de montoro  SECRETARY MR. MONTORO.

This makes and defines a rachitic, defensive politics and without worthy horizons of the best efforts. And, also, serious and reliable of the duty. As serious and reliable were Cervera’s, when they sank his fleet in Santiago de Cuba and Montojo’s, when the same thing happened to him in Manila to his Spanish fleet of the Pacífico, presences.

The lack of virtues in the exercise and the example of the power and the leaders, have drained and withered the right of the country, as political national instrument.

The attempts of social politician secession.

In the secessionist case that we have opposite to the face and at this point of his process of break with the Spanish nation, there present several incognitos on what we would have to make or be doing. Would an effective preventive action be useful or counter-productive? The parsimony and uselessness, rested on the fulfillment of the procedure, which the national authorities exhibit, will allow us to take, at least, in exchange future profitable decisions?

The president has said to his party, that already there is no economic crisis to arrange. And the surveys are discounting them voters, who do not seem to want to reward indefinitely the past results. The memory that feeds the collective gratefulness is fragile, interested and changeable.

Then, the Spanish have to be convinced by the ideas and actudes in the PP, that they must vote also for the party when the things are OK. But it will be if they perceive a PP radically different from the one that has governed till now. Capable of credibly exciting and stimulating them, in unit and cooperation, towards the social immediate future in peace and prosperity.

Resultado de imagen de politica nacional española

That it is not said only that in these moments, using as protection, resting and covering in the law and his possibilities, the government is taking already legal measurements against the secessionists. Because those who are applying the law are the courts and district attorneys, since it corresponds to the Judicial Power. And the government, as Executive Power, executes very little, in trying his fulfillment and dispersing the hostile actions against the law. Also on November 1, 2014 the Catalan secessionists realized actions against the unit of Spain and the sovereignty of the Spanish, which were of equal separatist and illegal quality that these of now. And the attitude and the action of the Administration against the popular Catalan consultation of that day, was deplorable, scanty and ineffective. The lenience, the tolerance and the delay in opposite the rebels by the national executives, makes these also partial responsible and necessary, but not sufficient, cooperators, in the crimes of «nation, motherland and sovereignty» attacked and damaged by those villains.

The prudence, the aplomb and the position characterizing the public thing.

The saying «pissquiety, shits small«, indicates that you should not ask the troubled long, big or important doings. To those who look with fruition at the meters and the details of the court, do not lead them to walk many kilometres of trip.

The pissquietism has the prudence and the patience as protective shield and supposed banner of valor. But rarely a pissquiet will hurl himself or take the initiative, because he will want to cover all the bets or possibilities. The necessary and present risk in almost all the actions and enterprises is his essential distaste. And his intimate disability is the absence of charisma and leadership, fundamental for the drivers or leaders in the times of crisis that we live. But this, for shame, he will never accept it, nor will speak about it. The pissquiety is comfortable with the bridle of a society well controlled by laws and regulations. That facilitates him to walk for sure rails towards definite goals.

The professional public vocation of the pissquieties is not that of politician, though often they are. His temperamental aspirations are that of civil servants without major responsibilities, good executors of the written thing and of the ordered by their superiors. To defend his position and to use his arguments, the pissquiety is usually a good talker or announcer. He knows that all the positions are, at least, moderately defensible. And, using the word, as his instrument in the dialectics of wills with his competitors, he can impose them. In the vicissitudes of such a ruled and definite society, which does not admit improper remarks, blows in the table, suden accelerations or brusqueness.

The social and political Nation.

A nation is a society of individuals provided with one social political selfconscience. Collaborate to creating and to arrange it the history, the tradition and the customs, and the own language and moral sense. And secondly contribute to it the etnia and the own territory, that not always exist, specially the first one. This way, the territory of a country is not a nation. Nor it is not even the inarticulate population of a territory under an only government. When the nation is loved by his components and there exists in them the desire to serve it and to defend her in community, the concept of the mother land appears. Both ideas are interrelated essentially. And, the absence of the patriotism or the shame practise it by members of a «social politicalcommunity», leads to the defenselessness and to the dismemberment of their nation, in major or minor degree, forming then «groups of associate individuals». So, it is not of surprising that are the Defense Forces of a nation, as institutions and in his members, which hoist, teach and practise the patriotism as one of his essential virtues. The Forces of Defense of a nation are the specialized set of the «citizens or patriots» for the belligerent and complete Defense of his «motherland nation«.

Resultado de imagen de bandera española

Our ideologics and socials fortitudes.

The attacks of ideological external agents, far from crowding us together concerning the threatened motherland, face us and, even, divide more us. Because our Politics is mediocre, envious and shortseeing in aims. And our invertebrate society is a sum of beings and isolated groups, without a common north and many of them sorrowful of the foreign good.

Our majority civilization coexists with others in the same soil. But it does not want to say that we could not have several social common virtues. And, together with the beliefs that are practised, they are the definers parameters of a society. This way, his unanimous observance and respect promote largely the creation and the integration of the social group.

Of the social crises it is only possible to go out fortifying in the values and virtues. These are the «actions and qualities» of human reference, regarded and valued permanently by the human societies. The virtues are very stable in the time. The values are the human «qualities and actions», estimated only temporary and/or locally by some societies. And, principally, by virtue of his idiosyncrasy, living conditions and pressures received from the exterior. The cultural and social values are usually being evolving with the contingencies, the displacements and the fortunes of the human societies.

The virtues are provided principally by the elaborated religions, and by Cicero’s Speeches and Plato’s Dialogs, within our extensive western ideology. We mention the principal ones, which are absorbed and assumed in the human soul:

Appreciation of the family, the social group and the motherland and the friendship and the nice and curious strangers who come to our environment. It is the “vital environment” that sustains us, our «social humus» fertile and indispensable.

Need of punishment of the conducts that are separated sufficiently of the social rules. To avoid the free, excessive or untied revenge, to dissuade the possible infringer, to satisfy in justice the damages and the hurts and to reform the mistaken conducts. Cuando esta “virtud” es complaciente o deficiente, se abre inevitablemente el camino a la injuria personal o colectiva y a la necesidad imperiosa y vital de tomar venganza. Venganza que, por tender a los máximos (como diría Karl von Clausewitz) y estar alimentada por la injusticia y la cólera, se apoyará y seguirá la Ley del Talión.

Need of the education, as mark and seal of the good doing and of the social citizenship. And the formation as set of the knowledge and professional skills, necessary for the service to the family and the society, with the exercise of a way of life decent and sufficient.

Appreciation of the respect and the worship to the divinity, as recognition and veneration of the Necessary Being who creates and supports us, and, in some cases, helps us frankly and directly. And it makes concrete according to the ideology and the social environment lived.

Valuation of the different duties to fulfill as necessary, vital and social counterpart, of the several rights to receive. Valuation of the sobriety, the effort, the saving, the commitment, the study and formation and the work, as necessary factors and means for the progressive and just attainment of the personal and collective aims.

And are our values and virtues recognized, taken again and reaffirmed those who can give us the force and the illusion to overcome the decadence times.

And let’s not forget the essential function of «command, management, impulse and example» of the social leaders of all kinds, present in the homes, the schools, the churches, the political parties, the barracks, the trade unions, the working centers, the associations in general, etc. These are the cores of the collective activity of the society. Where the indispensable “illusion and enthusiasm» will settle themselves and bloom later.

In the hard times, those leaders must accentuate their example. Because, the values and the virtues cannot be seen and felt as something artificial and/or remote, without real connection with a practical and lived code. And they are not acceptable as impositions of “cold rules and regulations», dictated from a «supposed moral and intellectual apex» of the society.

Our commands manage, but the impulse that we receive from them is weak and ineffective. They give the orders weakly, deciding for it everything that collectivly can. And his example is not estimated, not taken as deserving of the emulation and the follow-up. Without biology there is no family, far from it society will exist. Are fertile and solid the families of the social chiefs?

Exemplary leaders separated themselves from their public positions.

We will speak about leaders of the right, withdrawn from the public life for ideological disagreements with his companions. Or for estimating that did not exist then the sociopolítics conditions that were allowing them to carry out his beliefs and ideals. In the Spanish left, we think that to his commans only the chronic or serious disease and the unavoidable age have separated them from the duties of his post.

We only remember Gerardo Iglesias‘s case, which was elected general secretary of the Spanish Communist Party in November, 1982, defending then the reinnovating ideas of the comrades newly purged. For it, he faced the so called Eurocommunists of Santiago Carrillo, looking for the integration of the different communist existing groups. He took part in the creation of Left Joined in 1986, being chosen his general coordinator. In 1988, he resigned all his charges in the XII congress of the SCP, being progressively replaced in them by Julio Anguita. Iglesias, which was in extended leave for absence, joined later to his former miner’s work.

This selection, extracted of what we can detect and glimpse, is an example and summary. It represents what would be a rocky outcrop, the part not plunged of the iceberg, of all the innumerable persons who in politics strain for keep and show a coherent position with an exemplary and complete ideology.

Resultado de imagen de mayor oreja politico  MR. MAYOR OREJA.

Jaime Mayor Oreja is probably the paradigm of all the leaders that in the right have withdrawn from the public palaestra. His category are given by his characteristics: knowledge, exemplary and moral baggage, positions occupied in the public life, relations and age. Major Oreja has a solid political formation from Christian roots. Always he indicated and condemned ETA’S solvent, secessionist and communist strategy. That was acting, according to him, getting accommodated tactically to the changes of power in Madrid and using diverse attitudes and images.

Without never facing the power of the PP, he has supported a clear and serious political path. Condemning, this way, for example, the abortion, since «something proper of the Bolsheviks», and the euthanasia, which «is an old recipe of the totalitarisms that destroyed Europe in the first half of the 20th century». He never condemned the Franco’s regime in its entirety and on the occasion of the law of the Historical Memory, in the crisis of 2008, he alerted of the risks that already were threatening the concord and the unity of Spain. His ideology inspired the ideology of Maria San Gil, his companion of the Basque PP.

Alejo Vidal Quadras was president of the PP of Catalonia from 1991. In the autonomous elections of 1995 his formation obtained 17 deputies and the major number of popular suffrages up to today. By the agreement of the Majestic, in Barcelona between Convergence and Union and the PP, which allowed Aznar’s investiture as Prime minister of Spain (in the VI legislature of the current democracy, 1996 to 2000), he was immolated by the PP of his positions in Catalonia. Vidal Quadras was relocated as Eurodeputy of the PP. And he was a vice-president of the European Parliament. Nowadays is a militant of the small regeneracionist party VOX.

Maria San Gil initiates his political activity in 1991 in the of Guipuzcoan PP. When she was eating with Gregorio Ordóñez, the first lieutenant of mayor in San Sebastían, on January 23, 1995, she witnessed his murder by an ETA’S command in a restaurant of this capital. At the end of 2004, she was the chairwoman of the PP in the Basque provinces. In May, 2008, after the internal crisis of the PP on having lost the general elections, she presents her resignation as chairwoman and deputy of the PP in the Basque provinces. The motives were the strong discrepancies with the ideas and forms of Mariano Rajoy’s PP.

Jose Antonio Ortega Lara was a civil servant of prisons in the penitentiary center of Logroño. At the beginning of 1996, he was kidnapped in his house of Burgos by ETA. And he remained like that, in deplorable conditions, for more than 500 days. Until he was liberated in the last minute by the Spanish Civil Guard. He retired early at the end of 1997, initiating a political career in the PP. Always, he kept a line of defense of the democratic values of the family, the unity of Spain and of his strength and of fight against the terrorists of ETA. In the crisis of the PP in spring of 2008, he announced his march from the party for his ideological differences with him. In 2014, he joined the VOX party.




In France more than 4,5 million Muslims are settled, specially of Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian origin. The European metropolis practised an «asymmetric multiculturalism», to first accept in his society and to next integrate, their emigrants. But, they cannot direct and regulate the social movements with the compass and the set square. The social emigrant groups were established in the periphery of the cities of reception. Where the habitability was cheaper. Neighborhoods, districts or distributions were formed, principally lived by clustered groups of these foreign cultures. That were serving for his support and protection and also for his isolation and compartment. The prime minister Valls declared that in France exist more of 450 of these not integrated and «isolated suburbs». Using a more wide and lax name, the country possesses around 750 Urban Sensitive Zones.

The personal evolution.

The first generation of emigrants and part of the second one was formed by docile, laborious and long-suffering individuals. That obtained the respect of his French neighbors (each time they were less) and a relative prosperity. They lukewarmly practised the Islam, overwhelmed as they were in the zeals of this world. And for his distance to Dar-al-Islam, the lands of political domain of his religion. They were wishing and tried for their descendants, a future without so many difficulties and penuries as they had his lives.

But the descendants received the worse of both separated civilizations, to form his «personal identity». On one hand, they received «from birth» the belonging to a minority culture and little known in the country, the Islam. So, his «exhibition» between his different neighbors, was not attractive, not honourable. Which was a source of personnel and colective frustration, sorrow and revenge (relative).

Of the hostess culture, essentially European and western, they received a lay culture, when it was not laicist. That minusvalued the religion and claimed for its private practise. When all the religions, and more the Islam, have a social principal component. Enclosed in the mosques, pantheons and sacristies, the religions suffocate and die. Neither they were educated in the virtues of the Western Civilization: Valuation of the different duties to carry out, as necessary, vital and social counterpart of the several rights to receiving. Appreciation of the sobriety, the effort, the saving, the commitment, the delay of the reward, the study or the formation, the possible frustration and the work, as necessary factors and parameters for the progressive and just attainment of the human personal and collective aims. Definitively, to form them in the affability, the social communication and the resilience, to be able to overcome the successive vicissitudes of the life.

And a great majority lacked solid, profitable and identity beliefs and virtues. That significantly were helping them, from his mixed origin, to create his necessary, personal, satisfactory and respected identity.

It might think that the insufficiency of this «social contribution» in the formation of the individual identity, does not justify the appearance of a asocial or sickly conduct in them. But we do not try to say it. We are exposing different facets of the phenomenon, bringing over the pieces to compose this psychological puzzle, trying to form a matrix with the different factors that meet. To express a «multicolored panorama», which allows us to gather in it the parameters of the situation. The failure of the social humus, of the original substratum of the individual will amplify his lacks and failures. And it will not contribute base and wealth for the creation of his resilience (development and overcoming of the adversities, going out experienced and strengthened) and of his reference parameters for his personal and social balance.

The disperse and partitioned French agencies of intelligence, in spite of the only antiterrorist command, calculate that in the country are around 8250 potentials mujahidins. That principally settle in the zone of Paris, the Provence, the Alps and the Côte d’Azur (centred on Marseilles and Nice). But, given the mass of existing believers, I calculate that his number would not go down the 20 to 25 thousand persons.

In a social group, the individuals capable of violently acting, without that a disturbing emotion affects them in his efficiency, are less than 4 %. And this does not want to say that all the so «endowed», should be going to exercise in his life the violence against his neighbor. In the Moslem French group would be more than 150 thousand persons, of whom 30-40 % would have the suitable age to realize this activity.

The politicallly active Islam, of salafist jihadist ideology, offers to these social «disoriented» an exit, a Moslem identity, the incorporation to a simple religion practised in community (the Umma). And gives them a mission and an intention: the Jihad. And makes them «oversized persons», but only before themselves, who believe it. In exchange for the suicide or the prison, it offers them the wished identity. That they never well developed. The identity that we could not help to give them, being members of our centenary nations.

The conversion in suicidal or not «attacker», demonstrates and confirms when the individual looks for his separation of the «unfaithful persons» and his ideology is focused in the radical branches of the Islam and in the Yihad. Some specialists astonish that the transubstantiation of the person in a madman carries out rapidly. Without need that his companions collaborate in the process, not that it is long in the time. Let’s remember the famous cases of «brain washing» against religious and politicians dissident, that needs some time. But, the mutation in «furious violent» of the 17-year-old Muslim Afghan refugee in Germany and received by Würzburg’s family, a small city of Bavaria, was cuasi instantaneous. The young person received the news of the violent death of a friend in Afghanistan. And it reacted arming itself with an axe and a knife and attacking the passengers of a regional train in the proximities of his city, on Monday, the 18th of last July. There ensued three serious and a slight injured men and the aggressor was brought down. What is true is that this young man already had forged his potential destination, for his mental lability, the lack of social virtues, included the distance from the “Islam of the People”, and his uprooting. And the death of the friend was only the «OK, forward». Because Nature does not do jumps in the emptiness.

The Degradation of the Violence in the Societies.

The vulgarization of the violence against the others is a recurrent phenomenon in the different civilizations and epochs. Not in vain the Roman adage says that «the man is a wolf for the man». Leaving apart the cases of social excluded and chased persons, the developed modern societies are disturbed by a widespread neurosis. That becomes established and produces in the personal neurosises. This affection does not turn us violent directly. But it makes us unstable and more inclined to yield before the external and internal tensions. The neurosis attacks ours resilience: for survive and keeping going.

And a way of escape before these «psychological traps» that we suffer, is the violence exercised against that we think culprits of our perceived “evils». That sometimes is the whole vicinity. And the range of possible forcing acts has an extensive gradation. But, these «chests of distress» suffered, are solved overcoming them, not keeping a malignant cycle of action and reaction.

The depraved and sinister character of the islamist terrorism.

This phenomenon has some specific results of death, desolation and helplessness. Totally different, in extent and power, with that an assassin in serie can produce. And that spread, from the terrorist «area of action», forming concentric commotion waves, over the whole attacked society. It is not a question only of the killer deliriums of some misdirected illuminated. It is not a thing of the failures of the multicultural society in joining a nation of races, which are united by the national virtues of the democracy and the freedom. They are not produced «per se» by the «exterior assaults» that the yihadistas promote and claim; when they realize that his social political structure is that of a persecuted, unsuccessful (and degraded) caliphate .

This is a concrete and clear manifestation of the «mysterium iniquitatis» in the History. That, as such, is not in the habit of appearing. Since his disgusting nature can, in these singular cases, be caught and understood by many persons. It is not the temptation of a «temporary illusory good» for the jihadists. It is the appearance, without veils, of the Evil in the World.

Some Solutions through the time.

The fight against the islamist terrorists has different fields of activity. Because his manifestation is multiple and synergic. And this way of integrated and effective, must be the varied answers.

The Destruction of the islamist Bases.

Their bases are the geographical locations indefinitely controlled by the salafists jihadists. They physically bond on the bases, to reform, to consolidate, to train and to increase their forces. From them, operating as his principally «departure base», they throw incursions and assaults with limited aim on his enemy. Seeking to scourge or to expel him from the immediate territory that occupies. The creation of these permanent jihadists cores depends on the measure in which the military enemy is defeated and expelled from them, with consistency and duration. From the bases are carried out the reception of sympathizers and militants of the revolutionary group. Which is scarcely effected between the settlers, but, in his most, they come already motivated and decided from outside. And this is so, though a part of their effort in the action and propaganda area is realized producing videoes, interviews, gazettes and papers for audio-visual wireless varied means: the edition, production and emission is located in the bases. In their bases, the social politics salafist action is so intense or more than the formation and the military training of «mujahidines of Allah «. She is necessary to establish and assure the motivation and the loyalty of the soldiers to the jihadist cause in the hostile environment that surrounds and harasses them

The bases are social military forms with «regular structure» of the jihadists. They present continuous and numerous aims to the action of the heavy fire means of his enemies, the aviation and the artillery. Some are «opportunity targets«, as all classes of movements of the terrorists and the discovery of new positions, and others are «hard targets«, known or reconnoitre: varied infrastructures, stores, refuges, meeting or of control and of communications centers, positions of combat, of supporting fire and of defense against aircraft, observatories, transport of goods, distilling of crude oil, etc.

And these jihadists bases are the only substantial, still and definite target that the terrorist bands offer. Where to make them feel all the superior and available power of the military fire. Where is possible to isolate them in sectors, to beat them by parts, without these could collaborate in the decided defense plan; nor to flee, if the siege of the settlement is firm. And where they might act, with another spirit and other motivations that do not offer the trainings, the peshmergas, shiies and sunnis militias and the national armies of Iraq, Lybia, Nigeria, Syria and Somalia.

The doctrinal failure of the jihadists terrorists.

The salafists jihadists groups have failed in active and firmly joining to a social large group, which gives coverage and permanent impulse to their «social religious imperialistic movement». Their «catechizing of the violence» allows them to be mental prepared for the glorious and in peace death, and, even for the suicide, in the accomplishment of their military actions. But this insane sermon is not a weapon for the conversion of social groups. And there is a fundamental reason for it: his radical «creed» lacks possibilities of acceptance, victory and permanency between the masses, out of the needs in the temporary vicissitudes of a war. The jihadists groups act with an unnecessary and indiscriminate brutality, which discredits them before the Islam, the Koran and the Sunna or Islamic tradition, gathered in the hadices or «comments and facts» Mohammed’s writings. This lack of religious legitimacy, provokes the absence of venerable, respected and pious ulemas and muftis in his side. Their supposed «Islamic original ideology» is based on a few favorable verses of the Koran (it has around 4.200) and on some historical favorable facts and not on the integrity and the intention of the message of the Islam. This social emotional separation from the local masses unfailingly does that the support of the neighbors to the terrorist groups is involuntary, not attractive, always interested and desmotivated.

The location of potentials jihadists in the lands of dar-el-Amn.

We can identify potentials jihadists with certain sureness and after a specialized and methodical work. But we cannot detain them, while do not commit an offence during their activities: to try to arm and to train them; to conspire with others in his actions; to create bands structures to commit offences; to spread the exaltation and the use of the violence as ideological weapon; militants’ recruitment for their ideological and armed radicalization; to gather funds for the organizations with intention of committing offences; to collaborate in the movements of politicallly active and possible militants in his trips towards the interior Yihad (countries of the Southwest of Asia, the Magreb and the Sahel) or exterior (enemy western countries: the «crusaders»).

As for the intelligence labors, great difficulty exists in the penetration of the islamist networks by own agents or collaborators. In general, the mujahidins, the sympathizers and collaborators: usually speak Arabic; do not belong to European or Spanish Americans races; the Moslem civilians do not collaborate in the tasks of espionage and reconnaissance against the armed islamist organizations.

On the other hand, the glamorous exhibition of pairs or groups of armed military men by the streets of the cities is operationally useless. Since they do not have a definite aim. His mission is the ostentatious and indefinite patrolling. Seeking to calm the pedestrians parishioners with their menacing presence.

What do we still have? The information turned into intelligence. That must be contrasted, taken part to all the authorized agencies and user groups (including foreigns), constantly updated and necessary and sufficient. Excluding the undue plethora of excessive, routine information, not elaborated as intelligence. That is a way of poisoning and boring the own commands at all levels.

The redemption of the jihadists and of the activists and frustrated individuals.

When the individual has done the psychological and volitional step (the «decision»): already has broken the sufficient bonds with his vital environment; including the family. And his mind is absorbed and directed to his new “situation” and to the offered and assumed identity. This way, it is almost irrecoverable for him, for his family, for the society.

If the individual is one more of the «disoriented», emotionally confused and not integrated. That are mental besieged by the resentments produced by the long-suffering or believed as such «offenses»: it is possible to recover him, is relatively simple to do it and is enormously laborious to obtain it.

The enormous necessary work, prolonged in the time, does that it could not rehabilitate all. It is necessary to fight against the inequalities that have mentioned. To look for temporary works is more rapid. To give them an education and a labor formation is slower. But it is indispensable in the medium and long term. To separate them of the «rotten suburbs» and of the pernicious influence of environment, friends and relatives, is very complicated and long. Because the «chunks» extracted from these, have created the poor and only identity that they have. That takes them to the personal and social failure and to the frustration.

The Community integrated by his upright members.

And now comes the result that they join the nation. Nowadays, ethnic group is not synonymous of nation. Many nations of the Earth are really «crucibles of races». They are the United States of North America, the Spanish-American nations, the great African nations… Where coexist in sufficient peace and harmony different races and cultures. That are shaped by not exclusive beliefs and by the virtues and national values.

A nation is a society of individuals, provided with social politic selfconsciosness. Collaborate to creating and support it the history, the tradition and the customs, and the language and the own moral sense. And secondly contribute to it the ethnias and the own territory, that not always exist, specially the first ones. This way, the territory of a country is not a nation. And it is not even the inarticulate population of a territory, under an only government.

When the nation is loved by his components and exists in them the desire to serve and to defend her in community, the concept of the motherland appears. That is the motherland that we love and defend. Both ideas are essentially interrelated. And, the absence of the patriotism or the shame for practise it, by members of a «social community«, leads to the defenselessness and the dismemberment of their nation, in major or minor degree, forming «groups of associate individuals».

This way, it is not surprising that are the Defense Forces of a nation, as institutions and in his members, which wave, teach and practise the patriotism as one of his essential virtues. The Defense Forces of a nation are the specialized set of the «natives or patriots» for the belligerent and complete Defense of his «country nation».



There is taking place in the last months a real «planetary conjunction». It is about the «temporary coincidence» of a bloody and fierce pursuit of the Christians, whose «green outbreaks» are in the Arabic Islamic countries. That is coincidental with the solvent, quiet and cunning action of the European «trendies», against the virtues of the European societies. Both actions are surely a «cosmic part» of the so called » mysterium iniquitatis» or agree to the Darkness.

The Agony of the Christianity in the Frame of the Human rights habitually recognized.

The UNO is considered by many a bureaucratized and crystallized multinational organism. And it turns out to be already arthritic and almost ineffective in the steps and resolution of the most serious international problems, specially the conflicts. But his «Universal Declaration of Human Rights», approved on December 10, 1948 by his General Assembly, is still the paradigm and the principal reference of the civil, political, social, cultural and economic rights of all the men. The following are the articles most distinguished from that, relating to the topic that occupies us:

Article 2. Every person has all the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or of any other nature, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition…

Article 7. All the people are equal in the eyes of the law and have, without distinction, right to equal protection of the law. They all have right to equal protection against all discrimination that infringes this Declaration and against any provocation to such discrimination.

Article 12. Nobody will be an object of arbitrary interferences in his private life, his family, his domicile or his correspondence, neither assaults to his honor or to his reputation. Every person has right to the protection of the law against such interferences or assaults.

Article 18. Every person has right to the freedom of thought, of conscience and of religion. This right includes the freedom of changing religion or belief, as well as the freedom of demonstrating his religion or his belief, individual and collectivly, so much publicly as privately, for its education, the practice, the worship and the observance.

Article 19. Every individual has right to the freedom of opinion and of expression; this right includes of not being bothered because of his opinions, of investigating and receiving information and opinions, and of spreading them, without limitation of borders, by any way of expression.

Article 28. Every person has right to which there is established a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration become fullly effective.

The «Enemies» of the Christian Churches. Ideological, political and moral Reasons for their «Permanent Pursuit».

The most certain and zealous enemies, along the History, of the ideas and the religions have always been the political or politician religious closed and despotic systems, the Messianic totalitarianims and the absolutist and exclusive States. In all of them we can see the same identity characteristic: the inflexibility and the immanence of his «statutory ideology». And it happens independently of that agrees with another religion. Or that it does in a social, political, economic and Messianic doctrine. That offers an «empire of domain» for thousand years, which scarcely lasts a decade. Or the appearance of the «new social man», at the cost of the sacrifice violently imposed on 200 previous generations (this was the estimate of “the Great Steersman”), and that crumbles in little more than four decades.



Or, more vulgarly, that it is the expression of the personal power or of clan of a governing minority (not a real social elite) compelling monopolizer, wilted and exclusivist. And in the practice, these «dictatorial societies» have a «lack», that will end taking them to his social sterility and to his vital ruin. And it is his total lack of a «sociological empathy» towards the stranger, the opposite one, the nearby neighbor, «other one». From which his religion, his political system or his political intention guide, abruptly separates them. And that works and operates in opposition to the desires and realities of the persons who live in these closed societies.

The Christians would be «less” pursuit by some of his State or particular enemies, if his labor was coming down to giving «worship to his God» and to slightly or null proselytism. But, apart from the preaching of «Good New» or Gospel to the men, the mission of the Churches includes to treat the «ethical foundations of the temporary order». And to give and to orientate their faithful and the men, on «the morality in the actions and temporary situations», private and public. This way, when the bishops or priests and even the faithful are quiet before an objective and serious immorality for reasons of «opportunism, education or relativism seudopolitic», they are incurring what, in Apocalyptic words, would be «the fornication with the kings of the land». This ideological oppression, with which it is tried to restrict «politicly and softly» the Christian doctrine, is summarized very well in a joke of the 60s, referred to the catholic Church and using an encyclical of Juan XXIII: “Mater, yes, Magistra, no”.

The virtues as identity and defense of the human societies.

It is now a question of something that affects and attacks a human virtue. The virtues are the kindness and reference qualities, hihgly regarded and permanently valued by the societies and human groups.

The virtues are very resistant and lasting in the time. The values, on the other hand, are the kindness and human qualities, temporary and/or local estimated by some societies and human groups. And they are so, principally, due to his idiosyncrasy, the living conditions and the pressures received from the exterior. These cultural and social values are evolving with the contingencies, the displacements and the fortunes of the human societies.

Inside our extensive Western Culture, which reaches to all the continents of the West and, in minor measure, to Asia, the identity virtues are provided by the different Christian churches and by Cicero’s speeches and Plato’s Dialogs. One of these essential virtues is the respect and the worship to the divinity. As recognition and worship to the Necessary Being who creates us, supports us and, in some cases, helps us. This makes concrete, according to the education, the culture and the social environment.

The armed Pursuit to the Christians in the Arabic Countries.

There are given in the last months diverse cases of violent pursuit to the Christians, in countries where the Moslem religion predominates. They are the lands of “dar-al-Islam”, where the Umma or Moslem universal community politically dominates. But some not Muslims who live in dar-al-Islam have a «protection agreement» with her. To this the Jews and the Christians have theoretical right, as peoples mentioned in the Koran. And that hold some of the Books also considered prophetic by the Islam.

In Iraq, al-Qaeda attacked the Christians, as part of his strategy of crushing the Iraqi civil society. Generating the hatred between the different religious, ethnic and social classes. And facing them violently between themselves. The victims here were the Syriacs and Caldeums Iraqi Catholics. Whose number is today less than 1/3 of those who existed in the epoch of the defamed Sadam Hussein al-Tikriti. Neither the former prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki helped to smooth the things. In effect, he carried out a Islamization campaign in Baghdad. And his targets were the masculine scattering places, where alcohol is sold, the jeweler’s shops and the bagdadies Christians.


Since the Sharia was implanted in 1999, as consolidation of the Moslem power, in 12 northern States of the federal Nigeria, the dead men in the ethnical religious fights that struck, were more than 15 thousand persons. Only in March, 2010, the (Moslem) ranchers of the fulani etnia realized diverse assaults against the Christian farmers, who caused approximately 500 dead men. In eve of the Christmas of 2010, one new radical violent Islamic fundamentalist group, autocalled Jama atu Ahlu «SUNNA» Lidda Awati Wal «YIHAD» realized a simultaneous multiple assault in a Christian neighborhood of Jos’s city. They did explosion 9 or 10 devices in his streets and the market, looking for the persons’ major concentrations, causing near 90 dead and 190 injured Christians.

In Pakistan, the local groups of Tehkrit-e-Taliban Pakistan and related, attack the Christian churches and the faithfuls whom they can accuse of some verbal slip or of an improper conduct. Those are established at the west of the Indus, from Quetta, in the Pakistani Baluchistan, up to the north of the valley of the Swat. They connect with the independence Muslims of the Indian Kashmir, which assumed the terrorist assaults in Bombay. In Egypt, the Coptic Christians are usually squeezed by the republican oligarch regime. And now after the military revolution of Marschal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi against the Moslem Brothers, their social situation is lastly more deteriorated. This way, for example, it is denies to them the right to substitute or repair his worship places. This has provoked some Christian local revolts.


Everything with the consent of the omnipresent and theoretically illegal Moslem Brothers. This is one of the veteran organizations in the Arabic expansion of the politicallly active violent Islamism. Whose principal original ideologists ended hung by the Egyptian authorities of the epoch. In the Upper Egypt numerous Coptic churches can be visited. The Christians came to Egypt several centuries before the appearance of the Islam. Their churches are frecuently being surrounded with palisades or with protective fences. But a church is a place of popular reception and encounter.

And, finally, let’s speak about the sealed off and infected case of the Sudan. Where the northern Arabs want to impose the Islam by the force over the black tribes of the west (Darfur) and of the south. These are of Christian or animistic religions (natives primitive, in constant setback). This religious and ideological oppression is anchored in the secular mentality of slave-trading of the Arabs at the north of Khartoum. That already had from before the times of the Khedive or «viceroy» in Cairo of the Sublime Door. The succesor and nominal owner of the Arabic Caliphate. This was complicated and established in the last decades, with the fight for the rich oilfields and miners deposits of the south and the west of Sudan.

These natural resources, exploited in collaboration with the Chinese (certainly, the new Economic imperialists of the developing countries), would guarantee the viability of a of the free and independent South Sudan. That was initially stimulated and directed by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of the Sudan. Whose military wing (and more known by the public) is his Sudan People Liberation Army. The movement was born in 1983 as popular, religious and of classes reaction to Yafar al-Numeri’s attempt of imposing «manu militari» the Sharia and the Islamization (a “legal”, but illegitimate and reactionary religiousness), in the south of the country.

As in all the civil, concealed and irregular wars, the figures of the «volunteers» appear here, next to the government. As usual, having scanty military orthodox formation and an enormous zeal. On having been newcomers or upstarts, to demonstrate his loyalty and his usefulness to the governmental owner. The nomadic Arabs of Darfur and the frontier Chad form the Janjaweed militias, of light irregular cavalry. Khartoum franchises them in order that they terrify, disperse and decimate the settlers of Darfur. In the bordering lands with Kenya, the Muslims use a combination of Arabic militias (of the etnia misseriya) and renegade (or converted, as look) blacks. To terrify, scourge and displace the black settlers from their lands. In some cases, these «patriots» are supported by the regular aviation and the artillery of Khartoum.

Finally, let’s indicate that a Great Perpetrator of these violations, the president of the North Sudan Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, of 70 years, is processed as person in charge of these violations, for “genocide and war crimes” by the Penal International Court of The Hague. Nevertheless, this pajarraco defies the international arrest warrant against him. And since its emission he have went to Egypt, Qatar, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea (50 Moslem %), Chad, all countries of Islamic religion.


Finally, to remember that we have already published numerous articles about the wars that devastate the geopolitical zone of the Asia of the Southwest and the fraticide fights between sunnis (93 % of Muslims) and shiies (7 % of Muslims) in her, looking for the prevalence in the Islam. We suggest to our nice readers, who should wish know with more actuality and extension the rage means committed against the Christians and other minorities by the salafist islamists, to reread these articles.

The juridical religious Pursuit of the Christians in the Islamic Countries.

In major or minor intensity and inflexibility, according to the cases, the sharia establishes nowadays against the Christians:

Death sentence against the blasphemers (to offend, according to his criterion, Allah, the Islam, the Khoran, the Prophet) and to the converted from the Islam (for his apostasy).

Burning and demolition of the temples and closing of Christian schools, hospitals and orphanages.

Prohibition of entry to the country, expulsion and inclusive death sentence to the Christian missionaries.

Prison for carrying Christian symbols. Prohibition of meeting to pray or to celebrate the Holy Mass, even in the homes.

Compulsory conversion to the Islam.

Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwai, Malaysia, Indonesia, Syria, apart from Saudi Arabia and Iran, are the countries where the sharia is more or less established.

In these countries, the not Moslem communities in general pay taxes, for not being harassed by the Muslims and living in peace under his protection. These taxes are the “administrative link” between the «protected» unfaithful persons and dar al- Islam.

But, any «doctor» of the Islam can teach that a collective duty of the Umma or believers’ community is the spread of the faith. That is realized imposing and not catechizing her (or «preaching the catechism» or text of the doctrine). Carrying out with it the consolidation and the extension of dar-al-Islam, the lands submitted to the Koran, the sunna and the sharia or civil and penal laws based on them.

Consequently, in agreement with his doctrine, when expires an «agreement of protection», the Moslem authority only can accept that it is renewed, if the amount of the taxes is increased or if in the new contract is stipulated the transfer to the Islam of more lands or cities, additional to the before yielded by the dimmíes (the Jews and Christians, the peoples also mentioned in the Koran and that hold part of Allah’s revelation). Also they use the legal principle that if some member of the «protected» community damages a Muslim, all his collectivity loses the “protection right”.

How do Moslem Authorities react to these local Violations?

Well, they look to other side. As if the Christians did not have acquired rights, according to his religion. As if in Europe we were pursuiting and condemning death, to the jail and to the confiscation of goods, to the millions of Muslims who live and prosper here, taking refuge in the kindness of the State of the well-being. The majority of the Muslims takes distance from the aggressions for opportunism, to protect the Islam, worried by the increasing rejection that it suffers in West.

His spokesmen affirm that the Islam is peace and tolerance. But this is not totally true. Not with the attempts of the jihadists that we suffer in name of the Islam, not with the extensive pursuit, in many countries, which the Christians suffer. This contrasts with his attitude of directed, noisy and bad-tempered protest, always threatening, when, for example, a few Mohammed’s cartoons, publish in territories outside the Sharia, in another physical and cultural continent. That, according to their strict and inappealable criterion, are offensive for themselves, acting as judge and part. And it turns out that, out of his countries, the Sharia lacks legal or religious jurisdiction. It is not any more than wet paper. Another thing is that they “accept” this. And say so to the persons that understand very little about the Islam.


The radical contemporary Islamics (Moslem Brothers, al-Qaeda and his regional exemptions, the Taliban cis and trans over the Durand frontier line between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and his henchmen fellow soldiers of Hamas and Hezbollah, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, Boco Haram, the al-Shabad militias, etc.) see in the Western Civilization, the worst enemy of their ideas and plans.

Because our civilization is founded on the reason, the scientific and philosophical knowledge, the freedom, the rights and the Christan faiths. Because by these clear advantages, we can conquer his despotism and his radicality; the discrimination of the women for mundane very old reasons, in which the religion and the protection of them are the theoretical excuse; the rejection of the scientific assumptions of progress and culture, on having had retired as Islamic orthodox method of study, the ichtihad or analogical common sense reasoning, from the 11th century.

Finally, in the Christianity, the believer perceives his God as a Father and a nearby, just and rewarder Saviour, with the arms receiving in Mercy. However the Newests are not preached very much nowadays, to not alarm the «trendies». In the Islam, God is separated from the man by a natural insurmountable abyss and is just and rewarder with him. But it is more feared by his justice and separation, that considered as intimate and nutritious Father.

And, how reacts the many-colored European trendy ectoplasm?

This one is generally of central control «ideology» (because they want to direct us, up to the minimal social and personal details, as if we were immature), despotic (because his postulates are not debatable by others), imperious (because his method is the imposition, not the conviction) and, today, shamefully socialist. It is shamefully socialist, because his “dream of sofa, coffee and scholarship or prebend” was to recreate a “paradise of the proletariat». That would have more or less «oasis and houris», according to his cases, in his lands. Though none went to live in the USSR or another socialist countries, to be employed at them, already at the time.

And this dream turned into nightmare, of difficult, agonizing and hasty awakening, with the fall of the Socialist States through all the Eastern Europe. And the discovery by all the rest, that to the «new social man» of these countries, the «cause of the proletariat» nothing, nothing motivated him. The technological armament career that imposed the USA in the decade of the 80, absorbed the best resources of the USSR. And it shrivelled up her to the entrails. Following a national strategy of wear, without direct threats, or melodramatic maneuvers. Some “not principal” members of the «nomenklatura» later admitted that «we did not have anything to eat» then. And the Red Empire, empty of contents, messages and illusions, social and economically implosioned. And the Soviet Army formerly feared by the Western Europe (the classic NATO), remained turned for many years into a «paper tiger».

So, the proper thing of the «trendies» (or peoples of ideas with few theoretical or ethical conditions) it is also here to kept silent before the violations to the Christians, away the sure borders of the great Europe, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals. It also takes place here a social paradoxical, but not unusual phenomenon: the islamist feverish militants and the decadent «trendies», though placed in two social antagonistic and irreconcilable ends, have the same operational intention:

The destruction of the European society, as it is still built-up, on the foundations of the Classic and Christian virtues. And his substitution by an amorphous society, without coherent, protective and stimulant virtues, satisfied, mangery and worker. Where the immediate material desires, which before we were calling «caprices», for its inconstancy and superfluousness, are looked for as small indispensable goals. Because they are the consoling of the lives lacking vital transcendency and substance.



Origins of the Islam and his Expansion.

The concept of the minor Yihad, blood effort in «Allah’s way» does not exist in the Noble Koran. Nevertheless, there exist in it near 50 aleyas that encourage the Muslims to the defense of the community, to the fight against the unfaithful people and to the armed spread of the Islam. Established the main lines, rapidly the political chiefs of the Umma, including the Prophet, threw hand of the instrument that so clearly was offering them and that they needed to life or death. At the beginning of the Islam, when was reigning the jahiliyya (the barbarism previous to it) in the Arabs, in the times of Mohammed, the Yihad was indispensable and inevitable for the defense of the new religion. That was arising in the middle of a stormy sea of tribes and pagan and idolatrous clans more o less nomads, that were populating Arabia. And the Muslims groups could easily be eliminated by his enemies.

But the March (the Hegira) of him with a handful of followers, from Mecca to Medina in the 622 A.D., inaugurated a new age of transformation in the world and of expansion of the Arabic Islamic theocracy. In that epoch, the power in the whole Middle East or, better, the Asia of the Southwest was distributing between the Persian Empire of the Sassanids and the Empire of Byzantium. A few years later, the Arabs had got hold of the Sassanids Empire (644). And they had restricted the lands of Byzantium in Asia, to the center and west of Minor Asia (the Anatolia). Parallelly, they were controlling the north of Africa: in 641 occupied Egypt and they were rapidly spreading up to Tripoli and the Atlantic coasts of the Maghrib and Ifrikia (in 697). Finally, in 711 they invade the visigoth kingdom of Roman Spain and in 732 penetrate in the kingdom of the Francs.

As in any religious primitive community, the Umma was the center of the mandates and Allah’s benedictions. There being collectivly and keenly lived the fulfillment of a monotheistic and simple doctrine. By the side of the mundane interests, the extension of the Arabic conquests, in his uncontrollable advance during more than one century, brought the control over the goods and wealths of the new and numerous subjects and the political and military power over them. The Moslem domain was established by the presence of a governor with his military garrison, in every city or conquered region. The relation of the new subjects with the Islamic regime was establishing and regulating by the payment to the governor of the periodic taxes for the imposed vassalage and the practising, for the moment, of a different religion. The third reason for this dizzy expansion of the Islam, was attainable to the nobles, chiefs and more out-standing Muslims. And it was the distribution of the power quotas that were generating by the domain, the defense and the governance of the new territories of al-Islam, the lands where the Islam was applying and governing.

The sunnism, which follow near of the 90% of the Muslims, also agrees as divine revelation the Tradition or Sunna of the Prophet. The facts and Mohammed’s comments form the tradition. The major or minor rigor in the selection for the purity of his origin and in the acceptance of this tradition, which was gathered and transmitted by his more immediate followers, characterize the four ideologic sunnis schools, founded astride between the VIIIth and IXth century. The most opened and flexible school, the Chafii founded by the Palestinian al-Chafii, died in Cairo on 820 at the age of 53 years, opened an encouraging door for the pacific evolution of the Islam. She also accepts the «sages of the community consensus» and the analogical reasoning or qiijas, as correct routes for the adjustment of the Islam to all the times and places. Departing from his «rural, illiterate, poor and medieval origin and surrounded of hostiles and barbarism».

After the death of the Prophet in 632 arised times in which the authority of a new chief and the rivalries between Mecca and Medina were threatening the unity and the development of the Islam. The first caliph or successor Abu Baker al-Siddique (632-634) affirmed his authority in the community or Umma and consolidated the caliphate as the «religious politician successors of the Prophet». And for it used the Yihad, in the war of the riddas, establishing a regular army, without wages. Omar, called the Lord of the Believers, was the second caliph (634-644). He organizes the administration and the theocratic system, where the military chief of the conquered land is the delegate of the caliph for the civil matters, the head of the Islam and the secular judge. Otman, the third caliph (644-656), of the family of the Omeyas, continued the armed expansion, but was murdered for leaving out the military caste. Ali was the fourth caliph (656-661), cousin, son-in-law and distinguished companion of the Prophet. But, Muhawiya revolted to avenge his cousin Otman and Ali turned out to be murdered. Muhawiya (661-680) was then proclaimed Caliph, initiated the Omeya dynasty and moved the capital of the caliphate to Damascus. His son Yazid (680-683) conquered the supporters of Hussein (son of Ali) in Kerbala’s combat (72 falls), on October 10 of 680. The first 4 caliphs are called by the sunnis the Rashidun, the «rightly guided (by God)». In this historical original stage, the Muslims realized their first conquests, departing from his initial core The Meca-Medina, towards the north, east and west of it.


And then arose the political religious schism in the Islam. The transmission of the caliphate would enter soon in irreconcilable conflict with the shiies. The shiism, in demographic minority always, assumes historically a fatalistic, passive attitude, even of physical suffering for it. They wait for the return of the XIIth Iman (caliph) missing in 874, that will come as al-Mahdi (guided by Allah) at any time of the History, to make triumph the orthodox Umma (the Shiites). And it will have a time of peace in the earth, dominating the shiies in it, as prize to their efforts, before happens the Reappearance or final Resurrection and the Judgment of the men by Allah.

The Salafi Ideology.

Salafismo of «salaf», predecessor or ancestor. As salaf, the Muslims call Mohammed and his disciples: the first four caliphs and the next two generations. The expansion of the Islam in the 7th century assumes to the purity of his faith. Since then, whenever the Moslem societies are sufering an economic, political or social crisis, prominent figures will arise that will praise a return to the Islam of the Salaf. Ibn Hanbal, in the 9th century, gives a literal interpretation of the Islam, based in recovering the ancestors and in the condemnation to the theological innovations. Ibn Taymiyya resorted equally to her in the 14th century, when the Middle East was suffering the Mongolians invasions.



The modern salafists begin with the preaching of the Arabic ulema Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab (1703-1792) who thought that the decline of the Moslem countries opposite to the West, ensues from the oblivion of the original message of the Islam. Ibn Abdul Wahhab preaches the literal and puritanical reading of the Islam, registering in the Hanbalist and in Ibn Taymiyya traditions. Searching «the correct way of acting in the educations of pious predecessors». His sermons were not well received and was expelled from his natal locality, in the Nejd region. He changed to Diriyah’s city and there formed an alliance with the sheikh Mohamed ibn Saud, initiator of Saud’s House. Ibn Saud promulgated the idea of the Islam «wahhabí» as the way of practising the Islam in official form in the country. For his part, al-Wahhab gave the religious legitimacy to Ibn Saud in his conquest of Arabia.

  Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab

Finally, in 1902, the emir Abdul Aziz ibn Saud reconquered Riyadh, in 1924 occupied Mecca and Medina and in 1932, all the Saudi Arabia. This was giving them the control on the Hajj, the annual peregrinaje to the sacred places and the opportunity to preach the wahhabism between the pilgrims. But, the wahhabism was a minor current of the Islam until 1938, when the oil reserves were discovered in the zone. The immense incomes from this new wealth gave a great impetus to his ideological expansion.

The salafi currents are renaissance movements of the Islam, through the return to the original faith, that of the «pious predecessors». They reject everything that identify as «human interpretations after the revelation of the Prophet». They are reformists movements which condemn the practices of the popular Islam (accused of being superstitions) and great part of the ideological Moslem thought, considered as carrier of «innovations». That is to say, «creations of the human reason», that move away from the divine message. The salafists reject in turn the influence of the western civilization, particularly the democracy, the relativism and the laity, that «corrupt the Moslem faith». The salafists become emancipated of the tradition founded by the 4 sunnis schools and they invent another Islam, which they affirm is founded on the Coran and the Sunna. Also they seek to imitate Mohammed in all the acts of the daily life, included the way of eating or dressing.

The imans next the Saudi regime, reject the jihadist way, that tries to impose a Moslem regime by means of the violent and revolutionary action, on having considered it to be condemned to the failure. One of his great figures, from the 60s up to his death in 1999, the sheikh Mohamed Nasiruddin al-Alabani, was declaring that «it forms nowadays part of the good politic, to leave the politic». For al-Albani it was necessary to follow a purification of the education strategy: on one hand, to regenerate the faith, purifying it of ideological «innovations» that remove it from his origins; and to educate the Muslims in this regenerated faith, in order that they leave his religious «corrupt» practices.

The «Jihadist Salafi» or Qutbism.

This current does the Jihad a center of his activity. The jihadism seek to accelerate the liberation of the Moslem countries of any foreign occupation. It is based on SayYid Qutb’s ideas, a theoretic and revolutionary born in the Moslem Brothers. He was sure that the Western Society was sick with individualism and ungodliness. And the Moslem countries would suffer the same thing, if they were influenced by West. And was affirming that the Moslem general regimes were apostates, on having applied lay laws, instead of the Sharia. Qutb’s thought was one of the principal influences in the sects Muslims’ Society or Excommunnication (takfir) and Hegira (migration), arisen in 1969 in the bosom of the Moslem Brothers in Egypt, and al-Qaeda, and his leaders, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Osama Ben Laden. The leader of the Moslem Brothers, Sayid Qutb, was detained, judged and executed at August 29, 1966, for planning the murder of the president Nasser. After his death, the Brothers evolved towards forms of organization and fight inside the existing political system. The actual salafi jihadism is born in the 80s, during the war of Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation. The salafists came from Saudi Arabia met the Moslem Brothers. It drove them to adopt the political speech of the Moslem Brothers and to restoring in him the salafi preaching of SayYib Qutb.


The Moslem Brothers:

The organization of the Moslem Brothers, one of the sources of the modern islamist, has suffered throughout the 85 years lived from his foundation by Hasan al-Banna, all kinds of vicissitudes, displeasures and pursuit. He and his followers tried to create an Islamic network, which was using as counterweight nothing less than to the Egyptian state. In 1948, counting the Brothers with near 3 million members and active sympathizers, began a State pursuit against them. Al-Banna died in a street attempt at the beginning of 1949, transforming he in the «Martyr Iman». The path of the confraternity has hidden itself of the alien sights during long and intermittent periods. One of the politicians tics or mantras of the Brothers says: «Nasser killed us, Sadat pardoned us, Mubarak silenced us». And now they can add «Abdul Fatah al-Sisi disillusioned us».


The ideology, the organization and his action cohesionan the sunni community in a «unit of general action» motivated, effective and resistant. That is of very difficult repetition or reply for the laymen, the not communist atheists, the democrats and other potential enemies.

The islamist not recognize neither the states, nor the nations. Nor, certainly, they do not even accept the liberal western democracy. Only Allah is Legislator of the men. The phrase used by the western chanceries «Democratic legitimization of the elect president Mursi» is a blasphemy for them. Theocracy and democracy are essentially excluded and are actively rejected in the fundamentalist Islamic ideas. The Islam does not admit a political modernity, far from it a religious one. Everything is already legislated and given to the men, through Mohammed, for his personal and in the Believers Community «submissive fulfillment». The Egyptian party Liberty and Justice is a political «appearance», as food for the international gallery, created by the Moslem Brothers.



Koran is the knowledge and his reading, and al-Koran or the Koran is the Noble Book par excellence. Mohamed did not try to found a new, different, distant or enemy religion. But gathered and departed from the written and oral traditions of the Jews (the Torah or our Old Testament (OT) and Christians (a very poor Gospels) of his epoch. Because all of them were adorers of the Only, Eternal and Almighty God. That personally approaches the men, good and bad, to reveal them His full, happiest and self-sufficient existence. And to give them a message of eternal salvation, by His freest will. In the Koran are narrated and repeated through numerous chapters the histories of different and numerous Jewish prominent figures of the OT. Even, like in case of Joseph, the son of Jacob, it spreads in details that are not in the Jewish and Christian texts.

Approximation to the Koran.

The matters treated in the Koran relate directly to the worries and pains that, along his flow of live, were in Mohamed’s soul. At the beginning of his preaching, during his first stay in Mecca, the descended suras are religious and then, after the Hejira’s, the medinesas gather orders from a statesman, an organizer, a driver command. From the point of view of his style, the Koran is written in the rhythmic prose (say), which was used by the priests and magicians of the idolatrous Arabia. But, unlike the language used by these, it does not use high-sounding, dark or without meaning words. But it possesses an unusual wealth of new ideas, which do it a model of the Arabic literature. The text of the Koran is a stone of scandal for many men, because not they all treat it with the perfection that it asks and deserves. In effect, some take it textually, interpreting it to the letter, without admitting any possibility of ideological variation or of logical adjustment; but others, probably too studious of the language and his expressions, understand almost everything allegoric, veiled.

The Koran has 114 chapters or suras, that contain around 6200 verses or aleyas. The discrepancies in his number, according to the compiler schools, led to the inventory of his words, 77934, and of his letters, 323631, as these numbers were coinciding. The Koranic language is simple and nearby and the methodology of expression is simple and very repetitive. The Koran is directed to humble and uncultured peoples. That have to learn his messages, procedures and mandates with allegoric and metaphorical literary formulas. Using bucolic, hunting and pastoral similes, that turn out to be near their simple and natural ways of life. And to remember and assimilate them by their frequent repetition, firstly in local group (the first madrassas or Koranic schools) and then in the loneliness with God.

Again and again, the Koran insists that the obligations of the Muslims are to establish the daily prayer (the salat), to give the canonical alms (the sakat) and to do the good in general. It is evident that, before any obligation and his fulfillment, it is the recognition and the submission to Allah, specified in the recitation by the neophyte of the ritual formula «Only God (Allah) is God (Allah) and Mohamed is his prophet”. Formula that would have a similar effect to the Christian baptism. The peregrination to The Mecca and his holy places is more blurry, because in the stage of the descent of the suras from Allah, the Muslims were a minority, were not organized and well established, and were threatened by multitude of unfaithful enemies.

In 28, 37 specify: «As Allah does the Good, also do you the good and do not promote the disorder (the Evil) in the Earth». The Evil would comprise, among other things, the murders or homicides of innocent, the drugs and drunkenness, the unnecessary destructions of all classes of goods or crops and useful trees. Also the Koran warns the Muslims, against the mistaken and smug attitude of the villains, the false announcers and apostles in his name. That are, in turn, leaded away by Allah, in order that they suffer the punishment for their malicious and recalcitrant actions. 2, 10 «When it is said to them: Do not commit disorders (crimes) in the earth, they answer: Far from it, we introduce in her the good order (the good)». 2, 11 «Ah!, they commit disorders, but they do not understand it». But, Allah, the Compassionate and Merciful, always will punish the villains and the unfaithful person, below the deserved by their sins, crimes and ungratefulnesses.

Origin, need and transmission of the Islamic Tradition.

The histories orally transmitted of “the customs and sayings» (the Sunna) of Mohamed, were transformed soon in writings, which were, in turn, objects of big summaries. Every story or written comment is called the hadith or hadis. The term also is used to refer the generality of them. The length of the hadithes is very variable, depending on the theme. Its intelligent internal structure is highly interesting and important. This characterizes them and gives faith of their verisimilitude. In each hadith is usually first exposed the «transmission chain» up to its writing or the checking of her, from his oral origin, with the figure of the «transmitter». Nowadays, we would call this its historical traceability. Aixa or A’isa, the second and preferred wife of the Prophet, and Alí, his nephew, are of first importance as «transmitters» of the hadithes. Then, there comes the content of the story or the comment, called the «matn».

The Koran in 4, 59, guarantees and grants a special power of decision and explanation to the Prophet or Envoy of God and to the sovereign, successors or Muslim caliphs, who are those who hold the authority in the Umma. This would explain and justify the need of a qualified interpretation, foreseen by Allah, for the practical application of the Koran along the geography and the history of the peoples. With Mohamed acting as interpreter, as exceptional and privileged «intermediary» of Allah.

There exist hundreds of thousands hadithes that have come up to us. And between them appear numerous contradictions. In addition, their total text is excessive for have commented or said and lived or realized by Mohamed. Even using for it all his life. From almost the beginning, the doctors and apologists of the Islam saw this. The hadithes were in risk of turning into a chain of myths, tribal embellished stories and realities more or less preserved of a vaporous and insecure Tradition of the Prophet. And soon was established a system of critique of the «isinad» or transmission, to guarantee the quality of the content in strict sense or «matn» of the hadithes as written Muslim Tradition.

God, his manifestation and his multiple anthropological expressions.

The God’s names arise in the Jewish religion and in the Islam as the impassioned expression of the overflowing qualities of the only divinity. They do not include only the name with which God wants to be called by the men (Yave, Allah, God), but also the name of his most out-standing and transcendent or near the man anthropological characteristics. Famous «99 Allah’s names» of the Islam are principally based on the qualities that likewise Allah assumes in the verses of the Koran. And in the deduced with the qiyas or analogical reasonings by the ulemas and mufties during the first centuries of the Islam.

It is interesting the origin and the development of some of these meanings. The Jews of the Kabalah claim their «72 God’s names» from Exodus 14, 19 to 21. Each verse in Hebrew has 72 letters and taking a letter of each one, are created the only 72 combinations of the Hebrew letters. The mystical interpretation says that they would be like the spiritual vibrations of a divine diapason. These esoteric frequencies would protect the men from the negative energies of the ego (the deviant, enlarged and exclusive ego) and would communicate them, at their low level and according to each receiver capacity, the powers of the divinity. Nowadays, it would be said that they act in the DNA, the telometers, the mother cells and the mithchondrias, to reach every benefited person.

These «special wonderful sounds», these rhythmic mantras, appear in other books of the OT. That was the method decided by God to knock down the walls of Jericho, happened during the conquest of the Promised Territories to Israel and is narrated in Josue’s book, chapter 6. For 6 days, the people surrounded once a day in total silence the perimeter of the sieged city. 7 priests were accompanying his march, sounding their trumpets. There was going the «God’s presence» and the Ark of his Alliance with the people. At the seventh day, at one time, Josue also ordered the Jews to clamorously shout, each one in his position in the line of march and looking to the city. The action powered by God knocked down the walls of Jericho. And the Israelite milites, an infantry between light and irregular, already without defensive obstacles to overcome to get at close combat, assaulted her. And gave to the edge of the sword men and women, children and old men, oxen, sheep and asses of the city.

The Jewish tradition in the Koran.

Mohamed was influenced in his formation by Jewish merchants taken root in Arabia, who not necessarily were rabbis. Not even they were taking the totality or the purity of the Torah with them. Along numerous chapters of the Koran appear the histories of different prophets or witnesses of God and some of his enemies, taken from the Torah and forming a similar story with the Sacred History of our infancy. The passages referred to every prophet or informer of Allah are distributed along a part of the text, even intermingled between them. This way, the specific story is not fluid and continues, but, rather divided and repeated, as didactic method to illiterate people. Some specific episodes, such as Joseph and the wife of his master Potiphar, have narrative unity.
The prophets, apostles or warners of Allah are successively sent to
put in order the various ancient peoples. «I have not destroyed any city, without having sent before a warner.» But in general, the words of his envoys fell in many «deaf ears», idolatrous, evil, stubborn. They disdained the apostles and warners because were mortal men like them and preach against their ancestral beliefs and customs, inherited from their parents. They also required them to prove their doctrine, using special and distinctive «signs», that almost always the apostles did not give. But they answered, preaching the obvious and multiple signs of the creation of the Unique God: Who is like him? And they also called them the attention of if their false gods were capable of helping them, of doing something for them or of saving them in the vicissitudes and the misfortunes. Also they were reproaching their headstrong and their mean and crooked quality: the pagans were turning more or less to God, looking for his benevolence and his refuge, when the things were twisting and were pressing them. But, when the danger or the need was eliminating, they were turning sure, ungrateful and disobedient to God. These were called again and again fools, ingrates, bads and losts. Their end was the gehena, the sakar, the immortal fire. Allah also repeatedly calms his envoys: «your mission is to preach my teachings; you are not responsible for the final conduct of your listeners».

This way, in the Koran appear with sufficient extension the histories of Adam (Adam), Abel (Habil), Abrahan (Ibrahim), Noe (Nuh), Lot (Loth), Job (Aiiub), Jonas (Junis), Moses (Musa), the Pharaoh (Firaun), the king Saul (Talut), David, Zacarias (Zakariyya). Being connected with the Torah and developing it, to demonstrate the base and the continuity of his doctrine of the submission to Allah, as The Only God. About Abrahán does not speak of the legal primogeniture of Isaac, miraculous son of Sara, who was sterile and already major, about the God’s promise: «I Will do of you a great people and your descent will be major that the number of the stars», that extends in the future through him. The Arabs descend from Ismael, older than Isaac and son of Abrahan and Agar, slave of Sara. Isaac is mentioned together with Jacob, his son, in the line of the prophets and warners of Allah.


The Western Defense and the Great Strategy of his Nations

Since more than two decades, the USA has been systematically reducing his Defense budgets. Free of the threat of a global confrontation with the USSR and his allies of the Warsaw Pact, the USA has dedicated growing quantities of the contributors money to increase their squalid «social public expenditures». But, the USA is something more than a «continent in their self», only subject to the mercantile globalization. They are the principal pillar of the West Defense. And they are one of his two poles or vital, active, ideological and complementary nodes. And the other are Western and Oriental Europe, joined now with their anxieties of freedom and by a several social and economic systems, that are imperfect, but assumed and in development.

Development of the situation of weakness.

During the application of the Marshall Plan (known there as the European Recovery Program, name toked from the general of five stars George Marshall, chief of the High Staff of the US Army during the World War II and Secretary of State in 1947) for the reconstruction and development of Western Europa, this was nourished with the American assistances and investments. And before his voracious Red enemy «ad portam», that might cross theoretically the German plains in a few hours and reach Hamburg and the Benelux, the western Europeans did not have to realize relevant expenses for their Defense. Europe was entrusting it to the weapon systems and the soldiers of the USA. Which were covering and threatening the whole low abdomen of the Red Czars Empire. Forming so placed a protective insulating cordon, from the North Atlantic up to the Pacific Ocean and creating strategic alliances from the NATO to the SEATO (or South East Asia Treaty Organization). If we want to estimate how much money and effort the Europeans saved themselves, been able to do without these inevitable expenses of pure survival, we can see an example. The overwhelming weight of the military expenses that supported the USSR in his last ten years, was the necessary reason, though not sufficient, of their social economic asphyxiation. That took them to the inevitable precipice in 1989. A second range Soviet leader accepted later that, «we even did not have anything to eat».

But Europe also was contributing an ideological counterpoint, a psychological balance and a socio cultural magma to this transversal «mutual exchange» in the West. That were giving to the USA, continuity, sense and belonging to a tradition and to an active, enterprising, expansive, Christian and millenarian idiosyncrasy. That were taken root in the Greeks, the Romans, the Christian Revelation and the identities and baggages of the peoples westernized successively. This helps to constantly create and adapt the collective identity of the USA and his raison d’être as «primus inter pares» of this actual civilization. And this «double osmosis» of thoughts, experiences and identities, creates the modern western society, as we know her. That, with all his failures, mistakes and faults, continues being the «social identity and entity» more anticipated social, political and economically. And the one that more individual and collective rights recognizes to her citizens and inhabitants.

Now the purple and the control in West weighs to the USA. And, in the retreating phase of one of their vital cycles, they have partly forgotten their belonging to the Western Civilization » dependent of the international commerce». But this multi polar world is not safer than that of the two antagonistic irreconcilable, liberal and communist, social blocks, which disappeared almost 15 years ago. Let’s see several examples of prominent «nodes» in the actual «multi polar network» of nations and their associations and alliances. An expansionist China governed by the Communist Party, who looks for regional alliances, for the moment only with commercial interests towards the scanty and strategic materials, with the emergent countries of all the continents. And that tries to create her «sphere of influence and co prosperity» of great metropolis in the western Pacific Ocean. A full of contradictions Russia, a great power that always has reacted and has grown bolder with the dangers and vital difficulties, with an increasing importance and ambition. The South American and African continents, in that almost only the lack of leaders and effective elites, which are the principal antidote against the corruption and the lack of stable investments, hinder and stop an exuberant and endured economic and social expansion during decades. A Middle East and a north of Africa in full social boiling, that are guided by an expansive, global and exclusive religion in her more vindicator interpretations. More than for a few democratic «green buds», which do not have any tradition in their social idiosyncrasies.

A stationary and bureaucratized Europe, very advanced technologically and developed. But that is ideologically lethargic and without «reasonable illusions». That motivate and stimulate it to the social phase of motivation and expansion of a new cycle. And without having attacked to his time, still, the most difficult integration of his supranational institutions. To that there are opposed passively all the national and European bureaucracies, for his own inert existential weight, and in reason to the structural present and future complications and to the zones of power in game. That motivate and stimulate it to the phase of socials motivation and expansion in a new vital cycle. And without having undertook in time, still, the most difficult integration of her supranational institutions. To which are passively opposed all the national and European bureaucracies, by their own inert existential weight. And in reason to the structural present and future complications and to the zones of power in game. Because only when the belonging to a social superior entity produces social, political and economic tangible benefits, will be when the peoples, regions and many of their leaders appreciate, be interested and prefer the Joined Europe, to a commercialized and amorphous union of European nations.

Correction of the course of the Western Defense towards an expansion phase .

The USA and the countries of the old Europe must remember that the expansion and yet the maintenance of the civilizations begin with the arrival of the colonists, merchants and adventurers. That assume the first risks in interacting with local natives and create the first bonds between strangers. In order that all they start feeling interestedly complementary between them. And without nobody perceives between them a potential threat. That the falling back civilizations or yet «stable and crystallized», create an existential emptiness. That attracts and favors the penetration, deployment and new developments in the neighboring civilizations.

And that no healthy civilization cannot be supported without a sufficient Armed Forces. That must assume and face the different and yet contradictory challenges of the three classes of conflicts or modern wars: the regular, the nuclear and the irregular. In the European intervention in Libya, authorized only for the air protection of the civilians, was observed that the Europeans lack, for example, of airplanes of supply of fuel in flight. And these had to be facilitated by the USA, to carry out our air interdiction missions and of bombing the reinforced positions and the tanks of Libyan government. And the ground attacking French aviation to support the operations of the French and of Mali troops has also needed the airplanes of supply in flight of the USA. To be able to increase her attack to land capacities, in firepower, effective range and time of service and optimize his offensive flights. And to displace from Azawad’s Islamic Republic, in the north of Mali and with a surface of 600 thousand Km2. (The major European country, France, only has 550 thousand Km2.), all the radical islamist groups (al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghrib, Ansar al-Dine and others), that established themselves in Mali at the beginning of 2012, when Gaddafi was eliminated. The significant European lacks are not corrected in reasonable time due to the national diminishing budgets, which we have to apply in an economic long stagnation phase. But, also, due to the own absence of an European sufficient, integrated and flexible Defense Politic.

Nevertheless, in May, 2012 a summit conference of NATO took place in Chicago, to define his joint strategy for Afghanistan and to deep into the «Smart Defense». And, on the occasion of its preparations, at the end of April, 2012, the General Secretary of the NATO, the Danish Anders Fogh Basmussen declared that: «I do not believe that Europe is being militarily threatened just now, during this crisis». Is it necessary to see the wolf’s ears to buy and to provide the shepherds with dogs and cudgels? How much time is necessary in creating new units in combat capacity and in designing, making and deploying new weapon systems?